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Repeat prescriptions

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its not just the chemists that are letting things slip, my usual repeat prescription for my blood pressure pills has been missed for the last four months by my Doctor!!.

they say sorry and that i should press the issue with the receptionist, i told them i did that and i could not get a appointment to see the Doctor for love nor money.

it took a trip to the A&E and a couple of days stay to get any action.

now they give me my prescriptions three months in advance.

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I emailed the practice manager, who has just rung me. Apparently I should go to the chemist just before the prescription is due and tell them what should be included. Funny I have never done this and everything went smoothly for a long time. It's only over the past year or so that things started to go wrong.


Anyway I will try telling the chemist what I need and see how things go.

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