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Do you all have a dentist (NHS)?


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Originally posted by Abdul

Yes the dental Hospital will treat people...


Just queue up at the crack of dawn (8am onwards), then pay £87 for consultation and a further £17 for treatment...



We have never had to pay that much. :confused: I always thought it was free, except you just have to wait till ages. The partner has never mentioned paying.

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I'm in the process of joining the new dentist that's opened in victoria quays. Its not NHS, but to be honest I don't see the point in going NHS. You only save 20% which in the grand scheme of things isn't that much on things like fillings, x-rays and check ups. Also NHS hours tend to be very inconvenient. Private hours however mean you can attend evening sessions and saturdays.


When I lived in London, I joined a dentist on the NHS. When I needed treatment they wouldn't let me go after work or on a saturday as these times were for private treatment only. At the time I was a temp and didn't get paid for time off work, so it actually worked out cheaper to go privately on a saturday then go NHS during office hours!


As for the dental hospital mentioned above, are we talking Charles Clifford? I've been there before and it was all free, I didn't pay a penny.

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Yes I was talking Charles Clifford. I always thought it was free as well, thats why I was confused when Abdul mentioned money.


The only problem is students work on you, so if you are scared of dentists perhaps its not that good an idea.


Plus you have to arrive early and nearly wait all day to get seen.

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