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Npower..a bit of a tangle

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Having just googled this an old sheffield forum thread came up (sorry wouldnt allow me to add my comment to that)


Cutting a long story short, I moved house 6 months ago and phoned npower with the final readings for the address I was leaving, all was hunky dory at this point and I settled the bill over the telephone, or so I assumed!! Turns out npower allocated all this money to the electric bill and left the gas bill unpaid, so I am in the situation where npower owe me over 300 quid on the electric bill but the gas reads that I owe them 200 quid.


Anyway completed over 30 phone calls with em since (all documented), got npower to agree an error on their part nearly every time but no action has ever been taken by them and to be frank by this point I right couldnt be bothered to go through it all again so gave up talking to em, other problems in life means this is prob a bigger stress than it really is...also if npower looked at both the gas and leccy bill as they promised numerous times they actually owe me money.


To the point of the post, just received a phone call from 0114 421 0041 which when googled turns out to be npowers debt collectors..they've obviously upped their game in relation to gas bill so I need to up mine re the whole situation, where do I go next?


In all fairness could settle the bill tonight but that would leave npower owing me even more money and its the principal of the thing


Thanks in advance for any help provided


---------- Post added 28-01-2014 at 20:03 ----------


Just for further info the excuse I keep getting is that they have updated their computer systems and my account is spread over the two..its apparently difficult to obtain info over the old system cos its all archived, worked in similar situations before and this excuse sounds all wrong!

Edited by chessie
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Good luck! It took me nearly 4 months, multiple calls and letters to sort out a simple matter with npower. Don't believe anything you are told on the phone.


I suggest you write a letter saying that you dispute the amount owed. Include all account numbers, meter readings, bills received and amounts paid and give a concise explanation of what the issue is and send it as a complaint.


I sent my complaint to:

Complaints Department


Po box 109




The people in the complaints section seem to know what they are doing, which is more than can be said for some of their other staff.

Edited by andysm
Edit to correct typo
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Good luck! It took me nearly 4 months, multiple calls and letters to sort out a simple matter with npower. Don't believe anything you are told on the phone.


I suggest you write a letter saying that you dispute the amount owed. Include all account numbers, meter readings, bills received and amounts paid and give a concise explanation of what the issue is and send it as a complaint.


I sent my complaint to:

Complains Department


Po box 109




The people in the complaints section seem to know what they are doing, which is more than can be said for some of their other staff.


I agree and if they don't resolve it you can escalate the matter with the Ombudsman which will be very effective.

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Thanks Jaywalker51, naive me didnt realise bout them! I assume they'll see me as a small claim do you know if they'll pick me case up? Having just read about em though dual letter to npower complaints and ombudsmen sounds good way forward


Really appreciate the advice being given by you and andysm, cheers, weight sort of lifting off shoulders

Edited by chessie
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dawny1970 already done that but the issue keeps timing out so moves on automatically it seems, haddy haha yep thats another fact I didnt mention got more random bills than I care to mention...despite the fact they are chasing the same exact figure every month that I dont owe em, thanks everyone was quite down bout this but fighting spirit back tomorrow!!


---------- Post added 28-01-2014 at 21:26 ----------


I'm not even wi npower at me new house so how the bill keeps rising, is anyones guess haddy...which is wot every statement implies lol, though granted they never chase this figure

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Having just googled this an old sheffield forum thread came up (sorry wouldnt allow me to add my comment to that)


Cutting a long story short, I moved house 6 months ago and phoned npower with the final readings for the address I was leaving, all was hunky dory at this point and I settled the bill over the telephone, or so I assumed!! Turns out npower allocated all this money to the electric bill and left the gas bill unpaid, so I am in the situation where npower owe me over 300 quid on the electric bill but the gas reads that I owe them 200 quid.


Anyway completed over 30 phone calls with em since (all documented), got npower to agree an error on their part nearly every time but no action has ever been taken by them and to be frank by this point I right couldnt be bothered to go through it all again so gave up talking to em, other problems in life means this is prob a bigger stress than it really is...also if npower looked at both the gas and leccy bill as they promised numerous times they actually owe me money.


To the point of the post, just received a phone call from 0114 421 0041 which when googled turns out to be npowers debt collectors..they've obviously upped their game in relation to gas bill so I need to up mine re the whole situation, where do I go next?


In all fairness could settle the bill tonight but that would leave npower owing me even more money and its the principal of the thing


Thanks in advance for any help provided


---------- Post added 28-01-2014 at 20:03 ----------


Just for further info the excuse I keep getting is that they have updated their computer systems and my account is spread over the two..its apparently difficult to obtain info over the old system cos its all archived, worked in similar situations before and this excuse sounds all wrong!



with out being too long winded n explaining my case fully i went through a very similar experience with npower.....long story short i went to ombusman and things went very quickly from then on ...in my favour

I wouldnt bother with npower from now on hun...go straight to ombusman....i even got compensation awarded which i did notask for

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Cheers annb3811, like you not bothered bout any compo and as you prob felt just want the matter closed, more concerned bout credit ratings and all that. Feel silly not looking into ombudsman before now it is in small print of bill as I've just discovered. Got a meeting for work tomorrow which involves a 3.5hr train ride, know what I will be doing en route now lol!

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