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Child car smoking ban

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Yet, as far as I'm aware, you could sit a child in room in your house and smoke their little lungs out without punishment. You can certainly smoke whilst pregnant a rare sight but it still happens. So without any kind of joined up thinking it's all pretty pointless.


Rare, if you live under a rock, on Mars, with your eyes shut.


Stopping smoking while pregnant can be more harmful to the baby that carrying on smoking.


---------- Post added 29-01-2014 at 20:53 ----------


This should really fall under 'driving without due care and attention', there doesn't really need to be a new law for it.


It's blatantly obvious that if you're driving with a burning stick in your hand then your attention is not fully on the road.


That's without taking into account the damage it does to passengers.


If smoking is enough to take your attention off the road, you shouldn't be driving in the first place!

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Long overdue,but isn't it time the government did the right thing and simply ban smoking .


And drinking, and eating fatty foods, and pain killers, and running with scissors, and fireworks, and noisy music, and laughing for no reason, and doing anything that you want to whenever you want to.:thumbsup:

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I don't smoke now, did smoke around my children in the eighties which I know now was shocking, have never smoked in my car or around people that didn't smoke.


How this is going to be forced I just don't know, its still too hard to catch mobile phone users and none seat belt wear, also agree with Bonzo77 above, laws should be made for parents not to feed kids junk rubbish food, this can help health in children.

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I don't smoke now, did smoke around my children in the eighties which I know now was shocking, have never smoked in my car or around people that didn't smoke.


How this is going to be forced I just don't know, its still too hard to catch mobile phone users and none seat belt wear, also agree with Bonzo77 above, laws should be made for parents not to feed kids junk rubbish food, this can help health in children.


I was being sarcastic.


We don't need laws to protect us from our own stupidity. Common sense should tell us it's a silly idea to subject our children to our bad habits. We don't need to ban everything that's bad for us!

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I was being sarcastic.


We don't need laws to protect us from our own stupidity. Common sense should tell us it's a silly idea to subject our children to our bad habits. We don't need to ban everything that's bad for us!


Sadly some people do actually need telling such basic things though. Some folk don't have common sense.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Sadly some people do actually need telling such basic things though. Some folk don't have common sense.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


What's to stop parents smoking in their homes with children present? Surely nobody wants the government to have the power to tell us what we can and can't do within our own homes?


I don't think this ban can possibly be policed.

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If smoking is enough to take your attention off the road, you shouldn't be driving in the first place!


Well you shouldn't be smoking when you're driving in the first place.


Have one before or have one after...most car journeys aren't that long.


You need two arms to drive, if you're smoking you're practically down to one.

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