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Child car smoking ban

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And drinking, and eating fatty foods, and pain killers, and running with scissors, and fireworks, and noisy music, and laughing for no reason, and doing anything that you want to whenever you want to.:thumbsup:


Smoking is different in that even if you follow all guidelines on using the product, it still kills you.

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I doubt the majority of people who smoke in the car with children on board are the type of people who will take any notice of a law banning them from doing so. Of the minority who would they would perhaps be better targeted through education of it's detrimental affects.




Yeah, definitely. How many people actually still smoke in the car with their kids on board anyway?

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Well you shouldn't be smoking when you're driving in the first place.


Have one before or have one after...most car journeys aren't that long.


You need two arms to drive, if you're smoking you're practically down to one.


You sound like a terrible driver.

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Smoking is different in that even if you follow all guidelines on using the product, it still kills you.


Ha, Ha! Where's the guidelines on a Big Mac?!


Also, you can't prove that smoking, say one or 2 cigarettes a week will definitely kill you.


---------- Post added 30-01-2014 at 18:50 ----------


Absolutely. Driving IS multitasking - changing gear, indicating, operating wipers, watching your speed, controlling three pedals with two feet and looking where you're going.


And smoking


---------- Post added 30-01-2014 at 18:52 ----------


What's to stop parents smoking in their homes with children present? Surely nobody wants the government to have the power to tell us what we can and can't do within our own homes?


I don't think this ban can possibly be policed.[/QU


Yes it can if you are in rented accomodation ./ First rule by landlord no smoking get caught you are out 24 hours notice no messing . /People who smoke in there homes are wasters . I would not let my kids go in any house were people were smoking./ Any one smoking in the presence of children are stupid and have no morals


People who eat burgers and sweets are thick as pig dump and should be shot on sight!!


---------- Post added 30-01-2014 at 18:53 ----------


Yeah, definitely. How many people actually still smoke in the car with their kids on board anyway?


Good point. Which proves that this whole campaign is a waste of time. I think ASH have ran out of ideas!

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Sorry if this has already been done! but it's about time...


My parents smoked in the car with me and my brother in the back seats! hated it... but that was years ago and we are all more educated now and there is absolutely no need for it at all...




Nanny state politics rears its ugly head again . And just like using your mobile while driving and speeding it will be impossible to enforce . complete waste of time .

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Smokers are ignorant and don't care about their own health,never mind anyone else's health, the amount of times I've seen both people in the front seats in a car puffing away on fags with kids sat in the back is unbelievable yes it is a good law to help save the kids from the nasty stinking habit.

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Hopefully a by product of this will be dirty loppers ceasing to lob fag ends out of their cars. I've never understood why people do this. I smoke but i use my ash tray.


As someone who drives a convertible I would wholeheartedly agree with that. I'm fed up with being showered with sparks by some idle litter lout from the car in front.

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