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Child car smoking ban

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Yet, as far as I'm aware, you could sit a child in room in your house and smoke their little lungs out without punishment. You can certainly smoke whilst pregnant a rare sight but it still happens. So without any kind of joined up thinking it's all pretty pointless.


If you're out and about that way, take a little walk to the doors of The Jessop Hospital, it's a real eye opener.

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Nanny state politics rears its ugly head again . And just like using your mobile while driving and speeding it will be impossible to enforce . complete waste of time .



"More than 171,000 fixed penalty notices for using a hand-held mobile phone in a vehicle were issued in the 12 months up to last October, making it the fifth most common traffic crime, say police figures. A further 35,000 cases are fined by magistrates, Home Office statistics show."


Those roadside cameras with number plate recognition, get you every time..

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It's good to see that my MP won't be voting to make smoking in cars with kids illegal -




Mr Clegg, who is leader of the Liberal Democrats, who are the smaller of the two parties in the coalition government, told his weekly LBC radio phone-in: "Of course it's a stupid thing to do to smoke when a child is in the back of a car but you don't always have to have a law to fix things you don't like."


So he thinks kids who are unfortunate enough to be born to 'stupid' parents deserve no better, does he? This does somewhat explain his massive U-Turn on tuition fees.

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So he thinks kids who are unfortunate enough to be born to 'stupid' parents deserve no better, does he? This does somewhat explain his massive U-Turn on tuition fees.


As much as I dislike that untrustworthy little Sheffielder, he does have a point. There are too many laws that are so unbelievable, you would think that the Lords had been sleeping in an Opium field for a week. Its easy to target smokers, just as it is mobile phones in cars or middle lane drivers.

That such laws exist does not mean they are right.

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As much as I dislike that untrustworthy little Sheffielder, he does have a point. There are too many laws that are so unbelievable, you would think that the Lords had been sleeping in an Opium field for a week. Its easy to target smokers, just as it is mobile phones in cars or middle lane drivers.

That such laws exist does not mean they are right.


I agree. Sorry but having these laws in place for mobile phones hasn't stopped it - has it?. I'm a smoker tho I don't smoke in the car. I think they have bigger things they need to resolve to be honest. Not saying children's (or anyone else's) health doesn't matter but even if this becomes law, like mobile phones, it will get abused and go largely undetected so all a bit pointless.

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Smokers are ignorant and don't care about their own health,never mind anyone else's health, the amount of times I've seen both people in the front seats in a car puffing away on fags with kids sat in the back is unbelievable yes it is a good law to help save the kids from the nasty stinking habit.


Sorry Lobos don't agree. I smoke but if I'm in the company of those who don't I go elsewhere to smoke. That's a bit of a sweeping statement and tarring me and a lot of other people with a brush that I/they actually don't deserve. Same as calling all those on the dole scroungers.


It's my choice to smoke but I do have consideration for those who don't and don't inflict it on them. Yes there are those who are less considerate but you could say that about a lot of things couldn't you?

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Smokers are ignorant and don't care about their own health,never mind anyone else's health, the amount of times I've seen both people in the front seats in a car puffing away on fags with kids sat in the back is unbelievable yes it is a good law to help save the kids from the nasty stinking habit.


People who eat in McDonald's are ignorant people who don't care about their health. The amount of stupid fat sweaty mums filling their face with crap while shouting at their kids for not eating all their fries!?!


---------- Post added 01-02-2014 at 21:27 ----------


And eating a bacon sandwich doesn't harm those around you.


Neither does smoking any more....

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Not read all posts but I agree, children should not be allowed to smoke in a car


I dont mind as long as they buy their own cigs :hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 01-02-2014 at 21:33 ----------



"More than 171,000 fixed penalty notices for using a hand-held mobile phone in a vehicle were issued in the 12 months up to last October, making it the fifth most common traffic crime, say police figures. A further 35,000 cases are fined by magistrates, Home Office statistics show."


Those roadside cameras with number plate recognition, get you every time..


But how many get away with it day in ,day out ? Also , this is just another government idea to fill the coffers , just another way of raising money .

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Sorry Lobos don't agree. I smoke but if I'm in the company of those who don't I go elsewhere to smoke. That's a bit of a sweeping statement and tarring me and a lot of other people with a brush that I/they actually don't deserve. Same as calling all those on the dole scroungers.


It's my choice to smoke but I do have consideration for those who don't and don't inflict it on them. Yes there are those who are less considerate but you could say that about a lot of things couldn't you?


Considerate smokers don't exist according to some on here. We're all in bread degenerates who don't give a toss about our health or anyone else's!


They don't understand that a lot of smokers approve of the smoking ban. Or the fact that some of us do much more exercise than the majority of people on here.

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