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Child car smoking ban

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People who eat in McDonald's are ignorant people who don't care about their health. The amount of stupid fat sweaty mums filling their face with crap while shouting at their kids for not eating all their fries!?!


---------- Post added 01-02-2014 at 21:27 ----------


Here we go again with the anti McDonalds thing. O.k Bonzo. Lets start by saying I don't know if your'e wrong and I have asked this question three times before and never got a reply, so here goes again. McDonalds say that their meals are good and nourishing and I personally can,t see what's wrong with a staple diet of meat,bread and potatoes.People who are a ripe old age now have been eating just that for years, so as I say I am not necessarily saying your'e wrong and they are right but why do you say it's bad for health ?


While it's blatantly obvious what the health risks are, I wasn't really having a go at McDonald's as such. It was more a reaction to the silly statement Lobos made about smokers not caring about their health and the health of others.


I care about my health and so does everyone else I know that smokes. I keep fit by exercising every day and playing football twice a week. I also support the smoking ban because I don't think other people should be subjected to the fumes of smoking, especially children!


The attitude of some people on here stinks worse than old smokey tap room!

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If you can't see what is wrong with a McDonald's meal, allow me to educate you.


For the purposes of this example we will be talking about a Big Mac meal (medium) with Coke. This is the most popular item on their menu.


The sandwich itself contains high levels of trans fats, something your body is completely unprepared to deal with. The buns (bread cakes for your crazy Sheffield folk) are high in refined carbohydrates, something that the American Public Health Association has identified as the greatest risk to American Health in the modern age. Our bodies are not designed to process these, leading to obesity and heart problems.


Processed meat, especially red meat is believed to drastically shorten one life expectancy.


The sugar in the drink is equivalent to eating 11 teaspoons of sugar straight from the bag!


The potato is actually one of the most unhealthy vegetables on the planet, full of starchy carbs.


If you would like to volunteer for a test, I am happy to oblige. You eat Mcdonalds three times a day and I shall smoke fags three times a day. The one who gets hospitalised first gives the other £500. Deal?


Yeah, but not everyone eats there three times a day. The same argument can be said for all fast food takeaways (but usually isn't and McDonalds is singled out).


At least they're trying to make a difference with good quality meat, salad, fruit, milk and water.


Do you eat like 100% healthy food everyday?

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If you would like to volunteer for a test, I am happy to oblige. You eat Mcdonalds three times a day and I shall smoke fags three times a day. The one who gets hospitalised first gives the other £500. Deal?


I don't believe I've ever suffered from passive beef burger eating...

No matter how many burgers you eat in a car that I'm sat in, I won't consume any involuntarily.

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Processed meat, especially red meat is believed to drastically shorten one life expectancy.



According to the MCd's web site ..


"We take whole cuts of beef, simply mince them and shape them into burgers. Once the beef burgers are made they are frozen straightaway, carefully packed and delivered to our restaurants where nothing is added apart from a pinch of salt and pepper after cooking."


Is that "processed" red meat? Genuine question...

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O'k Bonzo and charmer. Thanks for the replies. I certainly wouldn't have any sugar in a drink anyway. If I have a drink out it is usually my favorite drink which is black coffee without sugar. I will risk the caffeine.


You're living on the edge!;)


---------- Post added 03-02-2014 at 16:51 ----------


I don't believe I've ever suffered from passive beef burger eating...

No matter how many burgers you eat in a car that I'm sat in, I won't consume any involuntarily.


doesn't change the face that they are worse for you than smoking, yet they're totally legal and allowed to target the children's market and advertise on tv.


---------- Post added 03-02-2014 at 16:55 ----------


According to the MCd's web site ..


"We take whole cuts of beef, simply mince them and shape them into burgers. Once the beef burgers are made they are frozen straightaway, carefully packed and delivered to our restaurants where nothing is added apart from a pinch of salt and pepper after cooking."


Is that "processed" red meat? Genuine question...


Their burgers still contain trans fats. Not as much as they used to, but they still contain a small amount.


Regardless, you eat McDonnald's enough, you'll get very ill in a short space of time.

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I don't see the problem here nor a need for all the disagreements. From what I am reading the forum smokers are all in agreement with not smoking in front of children (in the car etc). My ex smokes in the car with my girls in it so for a me a ban will be ideal since the more I ask her not do this the more she seems to want to.

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Their burgers still contain trans fats. Not as much as they used to, but they still contain a small amount.



Are these trans fats added to the meat or are they naturally occurring? If they're added then you need to complain about Mac D's web site ..if they're natural then it's no different to any other beef..so it's not processed which is what charmer said it was..that's the point I was making..

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There is no such thing as natural trans fat.


---------- Post added 04-02-2014 at 13:58 ----------



doesn't change the face that they are worse for you than smoking, yet they're totally legal and allowed to target the children's market and advertise on tv.


I think they're advertising is strictly regulated and not very much of it is allowed at all actually.

Burgers are totally legal, and so are cigarettes, so I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make? Is it related to smoking in a car?

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There is no such thing as natural trans fat.


---------- Post added 04-02-2014 at 13:58 ----------



I think they're advertising is strictly regulated and not very much of it is allowed at all actually.

Burgers are totally legal, and so are cigarettes, so I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make? Is it related to smoking in a car?


The reason I brought them up was due to a post by Lobos talking crap about smokers, generalising us as rude people who don't care for anyone's health. So I made one back.

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