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Make up on men and women


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I wear make-up for me, I take the time to choose it the same as I would my clothes or how I have my hair. I also like to wear a light fragrance and paint my nails.


I don't need these things to hide behind or make me feel confident. If you see me without make-up it's because I have chosen not to wear it and I am comfortable either way.

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This 'natural look' thing is going a bit OTT.


Those of you who are saying that they prefer women wearing no make-up as it's not natural, might as well be saying that women shouldn't have their hair done, shave their underarms or bother to wear perfume or deoderant for the same reason.


What is so wrong with a lady enhancing her looks and her confidence with a hint of well-applied make-up? It sounds (and looks) all right to me.

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I like a little makeup on the ladies but less is definately more!


A light but effective touch here and there about the eyes/lips makes a hell of difference. I love nice eyes. :D

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lads with make-up on - you're having a laugh surely - well mainstream anyhow i guess goths or whatever wear make-up but that's part of their scene


women without or with very little make-up of course must be the preferred choice although again to create a certain can look quite cool

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The 'orange face' look is definately out. Some people wear so much you'd think that if you tapped their forehead with a small hammer then the whole lot would fall off in one piece.


That's got to be bad for your skin!

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Originally posted by jackthedog

As for make-up on men, I would have said no, but a couple of ladies on here have said they like men in eyeliner so who am I to comment.

*Raises hand* Whooooooooooo Mamma, nothing beats a bloke in eyeliner, and maybe a bit of black nailvarnish! Eddie baby what a dish and 42!!! :wow:

And Jack Sparrow does look quite cool...

*drools happily, in danger of drowning* Johnny Depp...say no more...the eyeliner!!! the hair!!! the amusing cockney Keith Richards acting stylie!!! Id be his wench anytime!! :thumbsup:


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I used to wear make up regularly but yes I was a major league goth (late 80's/early 90s really).


I still sometimes wear eyeliner, nail polish and maybe a few other bits but its only on a night out and it depends on where I'm going. If I was just going to a normal night at the Corporation I doubt I would bother as people there aren't as liberal as some of them like to think. Sadly I don't find Sheffield has that many great nights so its normally Leeds, London and Manchester that have amazing nights and get to see me with "t'slap on" and party night costumes ;):P


As for girls, I prefer natural or light makeup but to be quite honest I tend to actually talk to someone for hours before I might take a liking to them so its irrelevant :P

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