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Foreign Aid Given By The UK

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So why is aid still being sent to China, India, Russia etc??

Because as Hammerstein has stated 'people dying from malnutrition, dehydration, preventable diseases and so forth'.


The fact that they have wealth and choose not to spread it around means that idiots like us have to bare the conscience for them. ;)

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We are not the worlds nurse maid. We should only give what we can afford to after we have sorted out our own problems and got our society in some sort of order. It's true that we shouldn't be giving vast sums of money overseas when we are being told that there is no money for this or that here. Regardless of the situation we should still only give what we can afford. It's a bit like giving your wages to charity and then telling your mortgage company that you can't make this months payment. What would they say? Or worse still....stop your tv license payments and tell them you sent that money to Syria to help. Would they say ok, no problem?

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I think people are also forgetting that a proportion of the problems facing many countries are down to countries like us invading them and generally meddling in their affairs against their will over the last few centuries.


A chronology of key events Syria.


There's nothing in there that could lead anyone to the conclusion that the problems in Syria are down to countries like ours invading them.

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I'm talking generally, rather than only Syria.


Syria wouldn't really be included.


Iraq then.


1914 - 1918 - World War I.


1917 - Britain seizes Baghdad.


1920 - Britain creates state of Iraq with League of Nations approval.


1920 - Great Iraqi Revolution - rebellion against British rule.


1921 - Faysal, son of Hussein Bin Ali, the Sharif of Mecca, is crowned Iraq's first king.


1932 - Iraq becomes an independent state.


1939-1945 - World War II. Britain re-occupies Iraq.


After that Iraq's problem were caused by Iraqi infighting, wars with other counties in the region and the invasion of Kuwait.


And you can't really blame us for world war 1 and 2

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