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Why do some people hate jews?


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Can I use 'detest' for my dislike of soaps?


You can use whatever word you feel is the best to describe your feeling towards Eastenders, and I mean that in a non patronising way, so I apologise if I have patronised you.


I like you have never got on with Eastenders, and as such I haven't seen an episode since the late 1990s. So now I actually have no feelings at all towards it, because it has no part in my life. Likewise Coronation St et al.

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Originally people hated the Jews because they said the Jews had crucified Christ. Denied the right to work in most trades they became handlers of money and then became lenders of money. Some say many practiced usuary which created more hatred.

Then with the establishment of Israel and the Palestinina loss of land and property that was the start of the present day hatred among most in the middle east

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When you go on holiday, you are Sheffielders, you hate them from Leeds, then the Mancs turn up and its Yorkshire versus Lancashire, Londoners arrive its north versus south.


Then the Germans arrive and its world war three.


The point is we are tribal, its in our genes to distrust "others". When they are distinctive racially or by the way they dress they become figures we can hate. The majority of us cope well, we are inclusive we welcome the difference, a significant minority do not.

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After seeing this I thought to myself, as I have done before, why do people have such a problem with jews?



Might have something to so with Israel and the Jews occupying land that belongs to others,oh and of course the IDF going round shooting innocent women and kids,oh and of course the blockade of the Palestinians and the starving of the population,not to mention breaking the non proliferation treaty on nuclear weapons,which of course they deny they have.

Oh and cant remember how many UN resolutions they have broken,of course their big backer the US always protects that illegal state from the consequences of ignoring the UN.What was you saying about why the Israelis are hated.:loopy:

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Well this is the first one I have seen asking this direct question and I am not Jewish, I'm just interested in why.


I don't know maybe you could start a thread about that question.

You should read Anne Frank's diary and also understand the rising of the persecution of Jewish people. Even in modern day society, activism is still rife. You may not need to know the indepth understanding of a rising social ill, but maintaining a sense of stability in times of chaos is also important too.


I still remember the IRA activities during my youth and I also was full of anger on seeing these idiotic rising of social ills. But understand the whats and the whys. Manipulation is a very strong tool. The youth has a strong deposition, and at times, if mistreated, the they are likely to channel their energies wrongly in the wrong places. It is almost like an addiction. If you see the OP link, it showed "protestors" but really why are so many of them masked their faces in this day and age ? Not all of them truly believe in their own convictions. If you believe in what you are marching for then why hide ?


WW2 did not happen that long ago. It really has been one generation's time away.


Also, understand why "Islamaphobia" also occurred too during the height of the informational age and the high usage of the internet. Cos that was even more acute before.

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When you go on holiday, you are Sheffielders, you hate them from Leeds, then the Mancs turn up and its Yorkshire versus Lancashire, Londoners arrive its north versus south.


Then the Germans arrive and its world war three.



I think you are going on the wrong holidays

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