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Pothole - Main Street Renishaw

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Last night around 6pm I hit a pot hole on Main Street in Renishaw, near the junction with Spinkhill Lane. I had to get a breakdown service to come out to me and my tyre was not fixable, so have had to get a new tyre. On my way out of Renishaw the police had closed the part of the road where it was, so it was quite significant and I am just trying to find if anyone else hit this pothole (I imagine they have due to the police being there)


I am wanting to claim off the council for the costs I incurred, and therefore wanted to get the full picture, including how it had affected other people, before I did so.

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Good luck with s claim. As long as the road had been inspected either once maybe twice can't remember which, the council are under mo obligation for damaged caused as they can say had they knew about it they would have fixed. Now if the council are aware if the issue, been out and inspected the pit hole and put a marking round it, this us a different situation and you maybe able ti make a successful claim. Either way good luck

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Good luck with your claim. I use that road everyday and make a mental note of avoiding it. Several sizeable pot holes have recently surfaced on that stretch of road and on a cold dark night, unsuspecting drivers like yourself will no doubt run over it.


However, on today's drive home, I notice the pothole has been temporarily filled in so it appears it has caught the councils attention.

Edited by Nomis
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I unfortunately found this pothole on Monday afternoon this week and my vehicle made one hell of a bang as I hit it . As a result of that I reported the matter via the web page fixmystreet. I have an e mail response from the customer call centre of Derbyshire County Council saying the matter has been passed to a Highways for their attention on 30th January. Hope this helps.

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