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Flashing lights on cycles

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I am a cyclist and I agree! There is one guy I see on my occasional drive in with an amazingly bright light that flashes so fast I have to angle my mirror away to block him out-it is dazzling. Consequesntly I have to make sure I can't see him so that I can drive:loopy:

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I am a cyclist and I agree! There is one guy I see on my occasional drive in with an amazingly bright light that flashes so fast I have to angle my mirror away to block him out-it is dazzling. Consequesntly I have to make sure I can't see him so that I can drive:loopy:


Thats pretty bad. Ive had a look online to see if theres any regulation as to how bright a light for a cycle can legally be but im either thick and cant find it or there isw none :confused:

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I do have a light for off road riding, but I don't use it for commuting. It wouldn't be brighter than a car light though... But could easily be at the wrong angle.


Is this the issue do you think, cyclists using off-road lights on the roads?


Personally I think cyclists should wear reflective bibs too so car drivers see more then just a laser pointer size light.


The closer to Liberace they look the better IMO.

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Agree some of the new lights are borderline ridiculous, but I see so many cyclists wearing all black, with no lights, no helmet and no high vis that I can just about tolerate those with extreme lights if it means they have less chance of being hit

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the more visible a cyclist is, the better. amazing the number of motorists who cannot comprehend that other people are allowed to use the roads at the same time as them. these are the people who are most likely to kill someone on the road.

moving your mirrors to 'block out' a cyclist is just criminal. do you do it when an ambulance approaches? it may be on its way to the cyclist you just killed.

i dont cycle, i jog and drive. i nearly witnessed a cyclist being hit by an impatient driver who didnt notice the lit up cyclist as the driver shot onto the roundabout. the cyclist almost came off his bike. as a jogger i still find some drivers fail to see my bright flourescent top. i may have to start wearing lights too. blue flashing ones might be a good start. or a pair of flashing headlights, some drivers always notice their gormless buddies when they flash their headlights at them.

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moving your mirrors to 'block out' a cyclist is just criminal. do you do it when an ambulance approaches?
For decades now, standard rear view mirrors have been equipped with a flip latch and two positions, to avoid being dazzled by following traffic. Modern electronic ones 'auto-darken' by themselves. Nothing different where a motorobike or cyclist light is concerned.

it may be on its way to the cyclist you just killed..
And the children? And the Children?!? Won't someone think of the children!?! :hihi:
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I find it very hard to believe a cyclists light can be brighter than a pair of car headlights.

Especially one you'd attach to a helmet.


I've got a couple of Cree LED torches at home, they're pretty good but no-where near the strength of a headlight - let alone a pair of them.

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