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Flashing lights on cycles

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They almost certainly aren't. It's just that with dark adjusted eyes you perceive them to be very bright.
Possibly, though they seemed still brighter ('whiter', sharper lit/shadow contrast on trees and foliage) than my own LED torch (the smaller of my diving ones, which I use outdoors as well). At a distance of approx 200-250 yards from me, running perpendicular to me.

Possibly they are more focussed, it's unlikely that they can put out more light than a car headlight, given the amount of power available in the car 12v system
Their beam seemed much more 'flat' focused (along a wide horizontal plane, rather than 'cylindrical') and with a surprisingly long reach. I wouldn't have thought that a car dipped beam, from the same spot, could light that clearly that far.


I mean, they were in the middle of the woods (quite dense with small trees, shrubs and foliage), and lighting stuff up clearly (not in a diffuse way, with full luminosity) a good 70+ yards ahead of their position.


Anyhow...I'd have though a LED<>conventional bulb comparison based on bulb wattage/electric voltage would be meaningless, should we not be looking at candela or lumen figures :confused:

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One guy must have two Cree torches mounted to his helmet. That's far higher than a car headlights - car headlights which are correctly aligned and dipped. There are no such regulations for cyclists.


Can you imagine the outcry if drivers did the same.


Oh wait, hang on, drivers would get pulled by the police and fined.

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Man, I HATE those obnoxious flashing lights some cyclists use. What is the deal with them?


They make motorists more likely to notice you. When a human scans the terrain in front of them they use saccadic eye movements - this means the eyes flick from point to point an the brain fills in the gaps. If there's movement in that terrain the brain wil recognise it and observe it.

If a cyclist enters the area that has just been 'scanned' they may be missed by the motorist, but if there is a flashing light the motorists brain will register it.


There was an article about this not so long ago, I can't find it at the moment. I'll be back when I can (unless anyone else can help?)!

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Flashing lights anywhere are there to warn others, whether it's car turn indicators, bicycles or those navigation lights you see on aircraft flying above, and especially cop cars or ambulances going to an emergency. What's to object to?

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Ive noticed more and more cyclists using stupidly bright lights on their bikes which is fine. It makes them more visible.


They are only "stupidly bright" because cars have "stupidly bright" headlights.


When the streetlights are on, its almot like daylight, why do cars need their headlight on?

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They are only "stupidly bright" because cars have "stupidly bright" headlights.


No they are stupidly bright because stupid people buy stupidly bright flashing lights and ride around with them on their head :rolleyes:

Not everything is the fault of car drivers no matter how youd like it to be you loser :hihi:

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