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Court appearance but no arrest

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Not sure. I know some offer a free half hour initial consultation though. Wouldn't you be able to claim any costs back anyway, as you've no involvement with this charge ?


See this is the thing, I am involved as I was there,so I should be called in for questioning at least.

I will also be going to court with my mate for his defence,which means a day off work for me.

It all seems strange,I was pretty sure you had to be arrested and charged for something,then you go to court if you want to plead not guilty.

no one has been arrested or charged or even questioned:huh::huh:

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I remember back in 1972 I was sent to prison by a military court for a crime I didn't commit. I promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, I'm still wanted by the government. I survive as a soldier of fortune.


I pity the fool that buys this tale.

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Your 'mate' should attend on his court date.he can get advice, and representation, on the first occasion from the Duty Solicitor at public expense.there's no need for you to go on the first occasion.if your friend enters a NG plea it'll be adjourned for a Trial in the Mags Ct in 2 or 3 month's time.You can attend the Trial and give evidence,if necessary, as a Defence witness.Means Tested Legal Aid is available in the Mags Ct dependent on an 'Interests of Justice' criteria ( in practice it's usually granted for a Trial)on the first appearance your mate ( or the Duty Sol) will be given Advance Disclosure of the evidence in the case and all will be much clearer then.

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I remember back in 1972 I was sent to prison by a military court for a crime I didn't commit. I promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, I'm still wanted by the government. I survive as a soldier of fortune.


I was sentenced to 6 months in Colchester, MCTC Military Corrective Training Centre, in the mid 90's, then discharged to Civvy street, 4 months later found not guilty when the real criminal eventually confessed, damn nearly ruined my life, I pleaded not guilty all the way, absolutely everyone apart from the judge advocate was gobsmacked when I was found guilty, even when I returned to the mob after being exonerated had its problems, the amount of people who thought I had gained entry to the camp to cause mischief or worse as everyone knew I had been booted out, and as the old saying goes mud sticks, I was rearrested countless times at different camps as there always seemed to be someone who remembered me getting locked up, but never exonerated, lol

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Has he had a postal requisition ? A summons setting out the alleged offence and a court date ?

Please ignore the advice not to go on the first hearing.


He should obtain legal advice from one of the remaining solicitors firms who deal with criminal matters. It may or may not be free - that is subject to an application for legal aid - fewer people are now eligible than ever before. If he gets legal aid it will not cost him anything, he may be told there is a 'contribution' to be made or if he doesn't qualify at all he will either have to do it himself or pay.


What are the exact words of the alleged offence ? It sounds like a common assault to me (which can only be dealt with in the magistrates court) but it would help if I knew exactly what the offence was.

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I remember back in 1972 I was sent to prison by a military court for a crime I didn't commit. I promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, I'm still wanted by the government. I survive as a soldier of fortune.



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