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Direction Indicators

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Why do drivers brake for no apparent reason then put an indicator on just before or sometimes in the turn. It is a problem for the following driver to be suddenly confronted by brake lights and a car slowing for no apparent reason then on comes and indicator. If you, please do as you were taught, i.e. mirror signal then manoeuvre

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Why do drivers brake for no apparent reason then put an indicator on just before or sometimes in the turn. It is a problem for the following driver to be suddenly confronted by brake lights and a car slowing for no apparent reason then on comes and indicator. If you, please do as you were taught, i.e. mirror signal then manoeuvre


If you do as you were taught and keep your distance, then you shouldn't experience a problem.

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Why do drivers brake for no apparent reason then put an indicator on just before or sometimes in the turn. It is a problem for the following driver to be suddenly confronted by brake lights and a car slowing for no apparent reason then on comes and indicator. If you, please do as you were taught, i.e. mirror signal then manoeuvre


Could it be they're lost? Checking road names to see of they need that one or the next? Not everyone has satnav.

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I agree, but braking in the middle of a carriageway for no apparent reason is no excuse it is still bad driving. A good driver following at a safe distance, plans his/her drive on what can be seen, what cannot be seen and what can be reasonably expected to happen. If a driver uses the correct procedures then he/she can plan to overtake a left turn signalling vehicle if safe to do so but in the original scenario it is a matter of wait and see what the non thinking driver is going to do. If lost surely it doesn't stop a driver signalling left before slowing so that he/she can see what they are looking for.

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I get annoyed by motorway drivers who signal and pull out at the same time often just as you are about to overtake them. They think signalling gives them the right to pull out just in front of you.


As said above - mirror, signal then manoeuvre. I wouldn't dream of pulling out in front of another car.

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