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Europe accuses UK of paying illegally-low benefits

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The level of Britain's major benefits payments is illegally low, and could be raised in court according to a respected European institution.


UnemployedNet has written before about the UK's poverty-guaranteeing welfare amounts - they are among the lowest in Europe and lower than any comparable country - and the Council of Europe has confirmed this.


Source: http://www.unemployednet.org/europe-accuses-uk-paying-illegally-low-benefits


We all knew this was the case any way...

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...to meet government targets to try and make it look like unemployment is falling


I quite agree.


Benefit exclusions reducing unemployment figures


The number of unemployed would almost double if people on incapacity benefit were included, new figures show. The statistical fudge is particularly common in Tony Blair's own constituency, as Rajeev Syal reports.


As far as the Government is concerned, John Webster, 58, a former plumber from County Durham, is a phantom. He does not have a job and is in search of one, but is not counted in the official unemployment figures.


Mr Webster has a ghost-like status because he has claimed incapacity benefit for 27 years since being diagnosed with arthritis.


He is one of 2.7 million people - one in every 22 Britons - being paid sickness or disability benefits. Many of them, like Mr Webster, are looking for work but are omitted from the official jobless statistics.


LINK [15 August 2004]


Oh wait, that's probably not the government you're referring to is it?

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I quite agree.




LINK [15 August 2004]


Oh wait, that's probably not the government you're referring to is it?


You can trace the origins of the practice of shunting masses of people onto incapacity benefits back to the 80s. It was a technique for getting people off the unemployment register, effectively parking them on long term disability benefits. It's been a convenient way of cooking the books for every government since.


Osborne did a speech on it last year, basically admitting this practice is one of Thatcher's legacies, but arguing that the Tories would not allow the practice to continue.

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You can trace the origins of the practice of shunting masses of people onto incapacity benefits back to the 80s. It was a technique for getting people off the unemployment register, effectively parking them on long term disability benefits. It's been a convenient way of cooking the books for every government since.


Osborne did a speech on it last year, basically admitting this practice is one of Thatcher's legacies, but arguing that the Tories would not allow the practice to continue.

80s in the UK possibly, but definitely late 70s in France - in fairness to Thatcher, she only copied it from Mitterand :D


A useful political tool knows no borders, nor any ideological boundary ;)

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80s in the UK possibly, but definitely late 70s in France - in fairness to Thatcher, she only copied it from Mitterand :D


A useful political tool knows no borders, nor any ideological boundary ;)


Why does Thatcher copying it from Mitterand make it OK?


She knew right from wrong didn't she? She ought to have been above such deception. Believe it or not, some people appreciate honesty in their politicians, and don't think it should be too much to ask.

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