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Europe accuses UK of paying illegally-low benefits

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Yes, you may be right. Or wrong.....hard to tell. Best to let nature take its course and carry the baton to where it belongs. It will be a strange day on SF, what with so many posters missing/at work/better things to do etc.:roll::roll:


Stan's still here though.

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.....after all the benefits system wasnt designed to be a long term solution or way of life that it seems to have become.


unfortunately, all governments from, at least, thatcher onwards have used it as such rather than addressing the ongoing problems caused by the deindustrialisation of the north and midlands

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The one way flow of economic migration tells us the truth of the matter.


Anyone who believes they are better off on benefits living in a country like Romania should toddle off... good luck.


Ain't as simple as that.




I don't think people come here because they will have a great life on benefits. It can't be because of our great NHS either - after all the right wingers all tell us the NHS is rubbish.


It is because our benefits system is easier to access than some other countries.

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