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Muslim gender segregation stirs UK debate

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What are you talking about, how have you equated the two things ?


Do 'white scum' stand on the street corners telling folk to kill their families ?


I think you feel the condemnation of Muslims stood in the street calling for all us westerners to be killed is some how a personal attack on yourself for the tenuous link of you all being Muslim, and felt you must have a go at some white people in retaliation. Well guess what, about 100% of us white folk hate Philpott for what he did and I don't think you will get anyone defending him. Maybe you should think twice about standing up for these street ranters, it makes you look like you with them.


Where did I say it was an attack on me? And where did I attack "white people"?

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Where did I say it was an attack on me? And where did I attack "white people"?


So you went from someone saying:

I think the Woolwich murder shows what happens when we shrug at street ranters

to talking about 'white scum' in the same post because... ?


How did you draw parallels between people who stand in the street asking fold to kill and someone who just went out and did it to his own ?


You made yourself look like you took the condemnation of street ranters and the Woolwich murders personally when you used the words 'white scum'.


---------- Post added 01-02-2014 at 17:31 ----------


does anyone think that moderate muslims secretely support the radical muslims... or that white british secretely agree with the EDL ??



I would say that that's true to a degree, some will, although you won't get many folk saying so.


I don't agree what the EDL say or do but I understand why they do, does that mean you support them ?


I think that Moderate Muslims will also understand why radical people do what they do without agreeing with them, is that the same as supporting them ?

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Take a look at this.


Ricardo McFarlane, 26, and a 23-year-old man who cannot be named for legal reasons, joined convert Jordan Horner, 19, of Walthamstow, east London, roaming the streets in the early hours of the morning last December and this January.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2500727/Pair-Islamic-converts-joined-Muslim-patrol-impose-Sharia-Law-London-confiscated-alcohol-threatened-stab-non-believers.html#ixzz2s5Ze5O6F


A man cannot be named for legal reasons???

What's going on here? Since when can an adult male in the UK have his name witheld for legal reasons, unless he is a government agent of some kind?




The times are certainly changing.


It was once said that there will be no Sharia courts in the UK... now look

English law reigns supreme over sharia, says Straw

The Lord Chancellor confirms that sharia 'courts' will remain subservient to common law. There is 'no room for parallel legal systems' and the law has not changed, he says.


For how much longer? is my question. And when did .. remain subservient to to common law, (not British Law) happen?


I have little doubt that Sharia Law and Sharia Courts will in the none too distant future will challenge some decisions made in the mainstream UK courts. That will be interesting and no doubt all that oppose said challenges will run the risk of being labelled labeled racist.






Most reasonable people will agree that is wrong to jump to conclusions. One should be fully informed before forming an opinion about anything and especially other people and cultures.


You may form an opinion, which in the UK we are still entitle9 to do though you may be prosecuted for letting anyone else know it. So be careful. I would also remind people that you may also be prosecuted for telling the truth in the UK. So be very careful.


Whether or not you yourself are a religious person you may benefit from reading the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The old testament is essentially an interpretation of the history of the Jews prior to the development of Christianlty.



Then to better understand people that follow Islam I would first suggest reading the Quran English translations are available) written in his life time by the Prophet Mohammed, some say he could not have done it alone and that he was allegedly illiterate.



Then to help you understand Muslims read Cruel and Usual Punishment by Nonie Darwish who was an Egyptian muslim. Some of her opponents accuse her of being an islamaphobe and of just cashing in, whilst others herald her insight and explanations. She does give some explaination of some Jehads of which there are many types and subcategories and many interpretations of what thay actually entail and which ones are compulsory etc.



You are entitled to ask anyone questions about things you don't understand and if you are careful you may discuss them too. Beware that to critisise in a public place or on any kind of forum may rend you open to ridicule and / or prosecution, and may of course invite persecution which may be religiously compelled.




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Take a look at this.


Ricardo McFarlane, 26, and a 23-year-old man who cannot be named for legal reasons, joined convert Jordan Horner, 19, of Walthamstow, east London, roaming the streets in the early hours of the morning last December and this January.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2500727/Pair-Islamic-converts-joined-Muslim-patrol-impose-Sharia-Law-London-confiscated-alcohol-threatened-stab-non-believers.html#ixzz2s5Ze5O6F


A man cannot be named for legal reasons???

What's going on here? Since when can an adult male in the UK have his name witheld for legal reasons, unless he is a government agent of some kind?




The times are certainly changing.


It was once said that there will be no Sharia courts in the UK... now look

English law reigns supreme over sharia, says Straw

The Lord Chancellor confirms that sharia 'courts' will remain subservient to common law. There is 'no room for parallel legal systems' and the law has not changed, he says.


For how much longer? is my question. And when did .. remain subservient to to common law, (not British Law) happen?


I have little doubt that Sharia Law and Sharia Courts will in the none too distant future will challenge some decisions made in the mainstream UK courts. That will be interesting and no doubt all that oppose said challenges will run the risk of being labelled labeled racist.






Most reasonable people will agree that is wrong to jump to conclusions. One should be fully informed before forming an opinion about anything and especially other people and cultures.


You may form an opinion, which in the UK we are still entitle9 to do though you may be prosecuted for letting anyone else know it. So be careful. I would also remind people that you may also be prosecuted for telling the truth in the UK. So be very careful.


Whether or not you yourself are a religious person you may benefit from reading the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The old testament is essentially an interpretation of the history of the Jews prior to the development of Christianlty.



Then to better understand people that follow Islam I would first suggest reading the Quran English translations are available) written in his life time by the Prophet Mohammed, some say he could not have done it alone and that he was allegedly illiterate.



Then to help you understand Muslims read Cruel and Usual Punishment by Nonie Darwish who was an Egyptian muslim. Some of her opponents accuse her of being an islamaphobe and of just cashing in, whilst others herald her insight and explanations. She does give some explaination of some Jehads of which there are many types and subcategories and many interpretations of what thay actually entail and which ones are compulsory etc.



You are entitled to ask anyone questions about things you don't understand and if you are careful you may discuss them too. Beware that to critisise in a public place or on any kind of forum may rend you open to ridicule and / or prosecution, and may of course invite persecution which may be religiously compelled.





Its just another nail in the coffin for the UK to lose its identity to foreign idiots and scum. They only hope we have is to vote UKIP, and hope immigration is halted in its tracks, and try to get the UK back to some sort on normality. As for the extremists that are UK born and bred, well let them crawl out of the woodwork, and lock them up for life the moment that one piece of vile crap comes out of their twisted mouths.

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These idiots don't represent the majority of Muslims.


The beliefs of those idiots are remarkably similar to those of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt... who were voting into power by the Muslim majority. Don't ordinary Mulsims also support Hamas in Palestine? Wasn't it ordinary Mulsims who submitted to the Taliban in Afghanistan? Isn't there a pattern of Muslims ceding power to fundamentalist across the Muslim dominated world e.g. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia etc?


The fact is that Islamic extremists cannot threaten or control without the weight of 'ordinary' Muslims behind them. I do not see how you can claim extremism has nothing to do with the majority of Muslims... it feeds off you.

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The beliefs of those idiots are remarkably similar to those of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt... who were voting into power by the Muslim majority. Don't ordinary Mulsims also support Hamas in Palestine? Wasn't it ordinary Mulsims who submitted to the Taliban in Afghanistan? Isn't there a pattern of Muslims ceding power to fundamentalist across the Muslim dominated world e.g. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia etc?


The fact is that Islamic extremists cannot threaten or control without the weight of 'ordinary' Muslims behind them. I do not see how you can claim extremism has nothing to do with the majority of Muslims... it feeds off you.


No ordinary Muslim wants to live in a coountru anything like Saudi Arabia or Libya. Pretty much all of them enjoy the liberal democracy we have in this country. It's just when they demand concessions for their religion that we should say no.

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let me just correct that for you:-



---------- Post added 31-01-2014 at 17:03 ----------


talking about the wallies who want alcohol prohibited...


America... 1920's.... we all know how THAT worked out...



a few muslim countrys spring to mind:hihi:

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