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Muslim gender segregation stirs UK debate

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Plain Talker

you said and I quote


That's like saying "look at the Philpott case where those low-lives burnt six of their kids to death. That's what you get when you shrug at white scum..."


Regardless of whatever colour your skin or what race you are use of the term ...white scum... is a racist comment and is its use is against the law.




Might I also point out that the Philpott case is hopefully an isolated case involving someone who is clearly not right in the head. I would say he was insane otherwise he will probably be released after only serving a couple of years. He has been caught convicted and sentenced, his aim was to get a bigger home. Philpott was given a life sentence, his partner 17 years.


However it is not uncommon for some followers of Islam to set fire to their own children (not the house, the child) because it has been perceived to have offended some code or brought dishonour upon the family for as little as looking at or talking to an person that was unsuitable in the opinion of senior members of their own family.


Mohammed Riaz set fire to his home deliberately and with the specific intention of killing his wife and daughters as they were becoming westernised, this was in Blackburn UK. He received a sentence of ONLY 7



This makes me wonder this man only recieved 7 years for the murder of his wife and 4 daughters. This man killed 5 asian muslims and was only senternced to 7 years. Philpott killed 6 white non muslims and got life.


What are we being told here, what is the message of the courts?

The actions are fairly acceptable because;

he was angry? it was a cultural thing? his family were asian muslims?


Philpott got life for trying to get a bigger house by expoliting the system and accidently (he was convicted of manslaughter) killing 6 caucasians.

Why are his 'accidental' killings punished more severly that the deliberate ones of Riaz. Perhaps Riaz was treated more leniently because he is an asian muslim.


For me you can and should throw them in a room with nothing but water and view of a resauraunt brick it up and leave them. They would die of hunger eventually. Whilst the method may differ I think most people in the UK would agree with me that these people deserve to die for their actions.


I would just like an explanation and justification for the different treatment of these two individuals and a some reassurances.






What Riaz did may be acceptable under Islamic Law in his native country and it is not acceptable by British Law in his adopted country (the UK); Does this mean that we are accepting peoples' culture and religion as mitigation for criminal acts?


Are we moving towards accepting Sharia Law, will we become a nation with two seperate leagal systems.

What will happen when we get a cross cultural crime?

Under Sharia Law for example its ok to kill a non-muslim, to quote the Quran, 'no offence has been committed'.

Yet of a non muslim were to hit asian, under our law he would probably be accused of being a racist thug, charged with assault and probably receive a custodial sentence.


Can someone in authority please explain what is going on. The different treatments of philpott and riaz can not be explained away by simply saying each case was judged on its own merits.


As has been pointed out to me, the courts deal only in law and people should not look to the courts for justice.


Justice is gone, if by seeking justice you 'take the law into your own hands' in other words do something illegal you may and probably will be prosecuted.


Thats why there is no justice for the 10 children and 1 mother killed by fire for no other reason than someone else wanted something else.



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Its just another nail in the coffin for the UK to lose its identity to foreign idiots and scum. They only hope we have is to vote UKIP, and hope immigration is halted in its tracks, and try to get the UK back to some sort on normality. As for the extremists that are UK born and bred, well let them crawl out of the woodwork, and lock them up for life the moment that one piece of vile crap comes out of their twisted mouths.


What identity is it we are losing? I am really interested in your opinion on this.


"British Identity" has been a constantly evolving thing, even pre-dating the existence of England, Scotland and Wales as political entities?


Is "British Identity" speaking French for almost 300 years. Henry the IV was the first King to speak English since Willian the conquerer came over 300 years before.


Or is "British Identity" actually Celtic identity, since the Celts were driven from their lands by those pesky foreigners, the Saxons?


When exactly would you say "British Identity" emerged? What was/are its defining characteristics? How were the characteristcs formed? How did these set aside "British Identity" from other identities of the world?




Where did I say it was an attack on me? And where did I attack "white people"?


To be fair, you did attack white people. However, it is understandable as you face repeated provocation from uneducated people criticising your way of life. Using the word "scum" after identifying a particular racial demographic is considered racist by most people.

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However it is not uncommon for some followers of Islam to set fire to their own children (not the house, the child) because it has been perceived to have offended some code or brought dishonour upon the family for as little as looking at or talking to an person that was unsuitable in the opinion of senior members of their own family.


What are you on about- 'some followers of Islam to set fire to their own children'- what has that got to do with Islam. That is like saying any non Muslim who kills his/her children in this Country, it's because they follow X religion.:loopy:


Mohammed Riaz set fire to his home deliberately and with the specific intention of killing his wife and daughters as they were becoming westernised, this was in Blackburn UK. He received a sentence of ONLY 7



Is this the same M Riaz who DIED due to the burns he received following this criminal act??!! At least get your facts right.





What Riaz did may be acceptable under Islamic Law in his native country and it is not acceptable by British Law in his adopted country (the UK)


Rubbish- under no Islamic Law is there any legality for one to commit a crime of this nature (example) and be exempted- show me an Islamic source that states this- AND WHILE YOUR AT IT- ALSO SHOW AN ISLAMIC SOURCE (QU'RAN) THAT STATES THAT IT IS OK TO KILL A NON MUSLIM (as you stated in the rest of your ramble).


I am talking about non combatant, innocent non Muslims- not those who engage in war with Muslims in their country.

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No ordinary Muslim wants to live in a coountru anything like Saudi Arabia or Libya. Pretty much all of them enjoy the liberal democracy we have in this country.


What? So you're telling me that the 30 million Muslims who live in Saudi Arabia and Libya are either not ordinary muslims or they all want to leave?


That doesn't sound very likely.

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---------- Post added 02-02-2014 at 16:02 ----------



sharia law in this country ?? no a chance, anyone wanting to live under sharia law has a very easy option.. there are several airports close by...


What about Jewish Beth din courts or don't they bother the sharia law moaners?



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---------- Post added 02-02-2014 at 16:02 ----------




What about Jewish Beth din or don't they bother the sharia law moaners?


They or anyone else who doesnt abide by or like british law, can also freely leave the Uk to be in their preffered place to live under their preffered law..:thumbsup:

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sometimes I don't abide by british law, I went 31 in a 30 zone. should I book my ticket to abu dhabi or beyond. hmmm decisions decisions.


think your being a '' bit silly '' arent you..:rolleyes:... good to see you know you were breaking british law tho...

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