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Workplace toilet problems

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I wish someone could have told the salesman at carcraft the rules. Honest to god he was trying to sell me a car whilst I was having a tinkle, not whilst I was washing my hands or anything but in the very next urinal next to me having a tinkle (I think that's all he was doing - despite looking straight ahead as per the rules I did detect a certain, erm, over activity).

I'll never go back.


What? Not even if he offers you money?

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These are not rules about your workplace,they are general rules for all mens toilets.

If they are empty when you go in choose one end or the other.

If one end is taken,choose the other end.

If both ends are in use,say in a line of five,choose the middle.

If there are more than five,choose one as far as possible from other users.

If you can't leave one free between ones in use,use the thundershed.

On no account stand next to one in use if there is any other possible choice.

If they are all in use,use the ladies!


Any bloke knows all this!


If you use the ladies, please remember to flush and put the seat back down. Its not pleasant for us, as I have experienced a couple of times at work :gag:

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Well the week has been good. That was until about 20 minutes ago. He was there again, using the urinal facility right next to me. He definitely arrived later than me. I was already doing it when I saw that he was there. I was going to say something to break the ice, but after last time, I thought better of it and just did a sort of funny chuckle thing and pretended to be reading aloud. I just read these words what it said on the urinal device. Something ‘Armistice Shield’ or something. I then raced him to the taps and I won! It was bit awkward but I reckon that he’s realised how wrong he has been. It still wasn’t nice though so I went for a chocolate treat at the machine that we have in the kitchen area of work (it’s a big machine that you put your money in and it gives you a Snickers or an Aero or a Mars in return). Anyway, he was at the machine already. I felt awkward and panicked so I said “chocolate is good after the toilet isn’t it?”. He did that horrible twisted up face at me again and looked so mean.


I can see these problems continuing until someone says something.

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