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Old fun fair ground on farmroad/granville road

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what a fair that was acrobats tight rope walkers boxing tent were the public could pay to get your head knocked round all sorts of rides and booths me and my couson spent all our money six mile walk home spent our last bit of money to enter the boxing tent but it was not the boxing we went to see shall we say exotic dancer was not worth the walk but we had a good day out

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Wasn't that known as the "Farm Gounds" fair?... end of July if I remember right, for 2 weeks. Oh yes, one of the years highlights for me.

My friend and me used to go on our half-day. We worked in a shop and it was half day closing in those days.

One year, with what we were wearing, some lads thought we were were "French birds" so.....we carried it on. Me speaking absolute gibberish and her speaking proper French cos she had been to Grammar School..

What a laugh. it was brilliant and I often wonder if they still have the fair there. Oh happy days or should that be happy daze.....:hihi:

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Ooohhhh Iwas beautiful with a tiny waist and was allowed to stay out till 9pm. My friend and I were the Queens of our castle. All the fairground workers were tall, dark, handsome and dangerous. Aaahhhh:love: Well that's how I remember it:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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what a fair that was acrobats tight rope walkers boxing tent were the public could pay to get your head knocked round all sorts of rides and booths me and my couson spent all our money six mile walk home spent our last bit of money to enter the boxing tent but it was not the boxing we went to see shall we say exotic dancer was not worth the walk but we had a good day out


Wasnt it on the land where the Catholic School is now. I seem to remember A WALL OF DEATH (Motorbikes)?

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You’re all too young for me! All I remember is the old fairground on Staniforth Road where I believe I was the youngest lad to ride on the newly arrived, first in the country, electric Moon Rocket. It was 1934 and I remember that while we were whizzing around one way, a larger than life Popeye was revolving the other! The fair was John Farrar’s, who did the Yorkshire circuit of fairs. The fairground was adjacent to the railway on the left-hand side going up towards Darnall.

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C'mon Peter, I'm 63 and it was the most well known thing next to rag day, Farm Grounds was the name, it was the best and greatest fair anywhere at the time, like most I had to walk home because I had spent all my money.

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I remember going to the farm grounds when they first opened it up for the fairs, etc. (1955 is my guess). Some old timers may also remember that at the time of one of the early fairs at the Farm Grounds, there was a terrible truck accident in the vacinity. My memory is not what it used to be but does anybody remember this? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that this is what happened:


One day, at the time of an early Fair, a heavily ladened truck was coming down City Road. The driver was having brake problems and not being familiar with the city, he decided (it was summized) to turn off up a side street to stop his truck. He picked Granville Road, probably the worst choice he could have made.


On the very steep section at the top, the truck began to gather speed and the driver realized that he could not stop and there was nowhere to turn off. Granville road was also full of people going to and from the fair. The driver started blowing his horn to warn people. He manged to keep the truck under control until he hit the island at the bottom. The truck cleared the island, went part way up St Mary's road and crashed into a building at, or near, the Montgomery Tavern. I believe the poor driver lost his life.


As well as PeterW, I also remember (just) going to the the fair on Staniforth Road rec. That is before it became a truck depot for British Road Services. don't know what it is used for now.

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I went to the Farm Grounds Fair for a few years and then got a temporary job there in 1958 . It was on a Bingo stall , called , " It's Little Jack 's " , from Middlesborough , I think . Very nice people and they had a son , about 17 , called Pete .

I worked there for a few weeks [ aged 16 ]and remember we always had about 3 suppers on the way home . We usually had a hot dog from the fair . then called at a a Somali restaurant on Matilda Street and if the chip shop on Fitwilliam Street was still open after that , we used to get chips from there !

Teenagers have good appetites !

Great place in Summer -----------always easy to drink under-age , always a few punch-ups , plenty of sex and the beginning of Rock 'N Roll !

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