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Flooding and Agenda 21 - what do you make of this?

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I had to turn it off on the news.




Like what? Stop the rain? :rolleyes:


Interesting fact about Somerset name earlier by the way.


They've been flooded for a month now. They need help.

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I was reading in the papers about the awful flooding on the Somerset Levels, and the local people's anger at the Environment Agency, the lack of dredging, and the downgrading of the National Rivers Authority etc.

Then I read this letter to the Newspaper (DM) regarding the floods on the Somerset Levels. -


"Flood victims who can't understand why the Environment Agency puts the requirements of a Coastal Nature Sanctuary before the protection of people's homes and livelihoods, should look up Agenda 21 on the Internet.


Under this Agenda, being followed internationally at the behest of the United Nations, The Environment agency is required by the UN Biodiversity Assessment 'to proritise the sustainable development of the non-human environment when it conflicts with sustaining the present levels of humanity which tend to be destructive of that environment.'


This assessment states baldly that the world can't go on maintaining a human population of 7 Billion (and rising) when the optimum population for full biodiversity would be 1 Billion.


You've probably never heard of Agenda 21 because those who are implementing it would prefer you to remain unaware of its plans for your future."

So of course I looked up Agenda 21 on the internet. Now I've never been one for all this 'New World Order' conspiracy stuff, and never knew where all this nonsense about reducing the population came from, but I was, shall we say, surprised by what I found.


What do other people think? Anybody care to comment?


Its a pity they don't put more effort into implementing it.


---------- Post added 01-02-2014 at 06:59 ----------


According to another letter in DM from a worker in the flood defence / rivers division of the Environment Agency they have failed to heed local knowledge and have cut back on dredging and other measures which have kept this area safe since the middle ages. The conservation side of the business has gained more power and dredging has been cut back until now there is virtually none at all.



---------- Post added 01-02-2014 at 02:00 ----------



Have you looked up Agenda 21? I found it worrying.


Dredging reduced fish numbers and the diversity of a river, its not the best option, the best way to prevent homes flooding is to not build them in areas that have a chance of flooding.

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According to another letter in DM from a worker in the flood defence / rivers division of the Environment Agency they have failed to heed local knowledge and have cut back on dredging and other measures which have kept this area safe since the middle ages. The conservation side of the business has gained more power and dredging has been cut back until now there is virtually none at all.


I thought the Levels were only properly drained in the 20th Century?


What they call rivers are actually completely man made and should really be called drains.

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Turns out there are less than 40 houses flooded.

What with sea level rise, the more intense rainfall events ae seem to be getting,the fact that the drained ,land shrinks and is below sea level, the Parrot river is already tidal for 27miles inland, deepen the channel it becomes more so. I think engineering the whole landscape even more would be unsustanable.

Can't find a referance yet, but the coast is also very prone to flooding, and I bet the bird sanctuary is actually allowing salt marsh to redevelop to take the force out of waves.


The main problem isn't so much flooded houses as cut-off communities. It's sustainable for a few days, but these places have been cut off since around Christmas, with only the odd boat taking people out to buy food, get medical care etc, with no apparent help or interest from the Government, until a minister pays a visit and gets heckled on camera by the locals. Most of these places have no sewers so rely on cesspits, which will now be mixed with the flood water. They often rely on having gas delivered as they're not on a mains supply, so cooking and keeping warm is difficult. They're used to flooding, but not for such a long period, and understandably feel isolated and forgotten.

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Have you looked up Agenda 21?


Sounds like a good idea to me.


Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

The Matrix (1999)


Of course, Sheffield Forum will be a wee bit quieter once the chaff have been weeded out but rest assured, I'll still be here. :D

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There does seem to be a lot that dont really care about Somersets plight, and have chosen to settle with "They Should Know It Floods" mentality.

Well what a load of insensitive toss pots. It was different when Sheffield flooded a few years ago, wasn't it? It was all "Oh, we have flooded, help us help us".

People who take this latest flooding with a pinch of salt or with the uncaring attitude that has been shown, ought to take their heads and flush them down the toilet. This is people that are suffering, their homes being ruined.

Maybe the same should happen to YOU, and see how you would like people from Somerset not giving a duck.

Pathetic, with a capital "P".

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