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Has Hendersons Relish changed?

Bald Eagle

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Henderson's Relish if foul muck. I think you have to be brought up with it to appreciate it and it says it all that it's never found a market outside of the Sheffield region, whilst the Worcestershire stuff has a worldwide market.


It just tastes like vinegary caramel to me, which is what it is.


if you don't like hendersons your not from Sheffield, but your right outside Sheffield it's hard to find, if it wasn't for hendersons stews, casseroles, meat and potato pie would never have been invented,nor would cheese on toast, it can be used for dozens of dishes

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Never mind that the casserole predate Hendersons by 2600 years.


The thing about Henderson's is, it makes for an awful tasting Bloody Mary, and it's no good as an avocado dressing. So as a subsitute for L&P Worcestershire Sauce, it's a non-starter.


I was quite enamoured of it, for a time, but compared to the relish of only 15 years ago, today's bottles taste thin and saccharine, not something I consume with relish.


A point in its favour is that it's vegan. If you're a vegan. I'm not.


I totally get the "it's made in Sheffield and therefore beyond criticism" schtick, it's almost endearing, cute even.


But let's face facts: Hendersons is a cheap imitation cashing in on L&P, right down to the orange label with black writing.

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I hang my head in shame but this afternoon I poured my last two bottles of Relish over our garden here in Brittany! Born and bred up to 29 years of age in Sheffield it's been a staple of my life. Relatives who still live in Sheffield bring it over every year. However, as a 66 year old it doesn't taste the same, it seems to lack something. So I've changed over to Worcestershire sauce which has a definite kick to it like Henderson's did years ago.


BE :sad:


I disagree with this, I am from Sheffield but now live in the Northern Isles and when I first came here I tried Worcester sauce and thought it was poor stuff. A friend sends me Hendersons relish up from Sheffield and in the last few years quite a few shops up here now stock it. I find it just as good as it always was.

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It isn't even a relish!!!


It is fairly bland and uninspiring if we are honest. I feel sorry for any one who thinks that this "makes" a dish, as I guess you are not fortunate enough to be a great cook.


I have no strong feeling either way (I am not from Sheffield). I think that people from Sheffield feel pressured into liking it, like the Scots and Irn Bru.

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The quality has certainly deteriorated in recent years. Same can be said for almost anything in the supermarkets, corners are been cut, product sizes are getting smaller... prices are going up.


PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT. I would rather pay the true price and get the proper product than a cheaper price for an inferior product.

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It used to contain anchovies if I remember correctly. They removed them to make it vegan I am guessing and in doing so lost what was a huge hit in the umami flavouring of it. Not as much body to it in flavour IMHO.

It definitely tastes different to how it used to but I still love it all the same.


---------- Post added 17-03-2014 at 16:21 ----------


Bald Eagle, and anyone who likes Hendos/Lea & Perrins... if you haven't tried the extra mature L&P yet, do yourself a favour and get down to Waitrose and buy some. It's absolutely incredible.


Google Lea and Perrins special edition, comes in a matt black finish bottle.


It's more expensive than their normal version but when you taste it I'm sure you'll agree and see it's worth every single penny.

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  • 11 months later...

I hadn't had any Hendersons Relish for ages so I decided to buy a bottle last week,I used to love the stuff.However I was really disappointed.It was virtually tasteless,nothing like it used to be.The lovely distinctive flavour it used to have had gone and it tasted just like any other mass produced sauce on the market.Has anybody else had the same problem?

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