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Are we drinking alcohol too much?

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Why not look at what some other European countries do?


Is there really any need for 3 litre bottles of white lightning?


Why not have something like Reinheitsgebot, the German beer purity law & just ban all fake low quality booze? (fake as in not using the proper ingredients to produce it - using cheap apple juice or grape juice concentrates, etc).


When I was a student, I used to drink a lot of cheap cider. It has it's place. Plus, it means people on a low budget can afford to have a drink.

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We probably do but life is one long depressing march towards death so enjoy it while you can.


Why live in a long boring life.


If you have ever watched anyone suffer a long and painful decline, involving late onset diabetes, the effects of end stage liver failure and finally death due to alcohol abuse, you would not perhaps be quite so quick to recommend alcohol as an antidote to a boring life.


Smokers, add to that heart disease and amputation of gangrenous limbs...yes, it's a barrel of laughs. :rolleyes:

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Why not look at what some other European countries do?


Is there really any need for 3 litre bottles of white lightning?


Why not have something like Reinheitsgebot, the German beer purity law & just ban all fake low quality booze? (fake as in not using the proper ingredients to produce it - using cheap apple juice or grape juice concentrates, etc). Maybe we'd be able to produce more for export if the industry was more focussed on quality.


There's no need for cheap high strength 'cider' , we can't sell it abroad, it doesn't taste nice, it's just cheap & nasty stuff to wreak lives here. There's no need for minimum prices (which just gift higher profits to the industry), strength limits or increased duties, just ban using low quality ingredients. Then it avoids hurting the people who make real cider out of apples & other quality producers.


We do brew excellent quality beer. There are hundreds of smaller breweries now and they have built a strong export market for their products. The UK is also a major producer of premium quality spirits, in demand all over the globe. It's not all bad.


But there is the other side of the coin as you say. High strength products made from waste (e.g. the pulp left over from making premium cider) and other beverages that might as well have been cooked in a laboratory. I agree those need to be banned along with the super strength lagers - they are clearly targeted at vulnerable groups who are dependent on them. There are quite a few brands but they are never advertised or marketed - the people who want/need the super brews already know where to find them on sale.

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Although I do agree with the 'live for now' philosophy. Have fun while your here because you're dead for a long time!


But the price of 'having fun' with alcohol (to excess) in the first half of your adult life might well be that you will shorten the second half quite considerably and make it painful and undignified in your last few years. Is it worth it? I'd like to last long enough in good health to see my grandchildren grow up (when I have some!) and still be walking/climbing in the Lake District when I'm in my 80s. I don't want to shuffle off with my liver rotting when I'm 60.

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If you have ever watched anyone suffer a long and painful decline, involving late onset diabetes, the effects of end stage liver failure and finally death due to alcohol abuse, you would not perhaps be quite so quick to recommend alcohol as an antidote to a boring life.


Smokers, add to that heart disease and amputation of gangrenous limbs...yes, it's a barrel of laughs. :rolleyes:


Were they adults?


Were they capable of making their own choices?


Some people like to sky dive or drink coffee. Its a choice

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