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Jiu Jitsu in Sheffield


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Originally posted by jitsu_brasil

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.


I train between 6 and 8 hours a week typically. All this is Brazilian at different clubs around the country as i travel a lot in the week. On a good week I may get 16 hours in.


Its a passion with me, a way of life and the best way I know to make friends.


BJJ has basics that are simple but there are always new refinements and because I train all over the place, every club I train at has its own strengths and are always welcoming.


I do it to keep fit, keep the brain active and hang out with cool like minded people.


How about your self ?


Have you trained at any of the clubs in Sheffield, i.e. Gracie Barra at Langsett Rd or the club connected with Castle BBA?

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Originally posted by Davee147

Could either of you reccomend any places to start out? I'm pretty fit but have never fought before. Is Ju-jitsu a good martial art to start on or are others more appropriate?


JuJitsu is as good a place as any to start, mainly in my opinion because it's well-rounded (i.e. it includes punches, kicks, throws, locks, chokes, groundfighting, etc.), however it depends entirely on what you're looking for. i believe from reading some other posts on here that some people find it less accessible for beginners than perhaps kickboxing or muay thai, but i can't really say that's been my experience.


there are quite a few options in sheffield for martial arts/combat sports, including wing chun, boxing, judo, jujitsu, brazilian jujitsu, krav maga, jeet kune do, taekwando, muay thai, kickboxing, tai chi, lau gar kung fu, aikido, and karate (plus a few more that are mentioned in various threads on this forum), and there are also a choice of different clubs around the city.


for me personally, i find the atmosphere of the club and the teaching ability of the instructor (more than the 'fighting' ability, for the want of a better term) particularly important.


there are several instructors who run their own clubs that post on this forum, including cyclone and jitsu_brazil (from this thread), n_tomo (tai chi), davemantis (kung fu) and Jay_kd (jeet kune do), so perhaps they could give you more info.

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Thanks for that Anvil.


Davee we run a begineers class Monday night in Brazilian and traditional jiu-jitsu, its a good start and may well be right for you. Give me a call on 0114-2557763. Anvils right about the instruction and how important it is and if it suits you and the only way to find that out is to go have look at the club. With the Monday night session fitness is not a big issue and that will get better where ever you train if its a good club, the key is to do it gradually. Thanks for posting the message.

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Originally posted by dwhembro

Any ju jitsu in sheffield. I fancy avin a roll around!


If it's BJJ you're looking for, i can highly recommend the club at Dronfield that is featured in this thread. there's a gradual approach to fitness; the atmosphere is very informal and friendly (not at all cliquey like some other 'friendly' clubs); the instructor(s) are all very helpful and approachable; and the class size is currently very small so there's lots of 1-2-1 instruction. well worth a butcher's IMO...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by phphilz

Could you send me details of where you train and what time please. My email address is phphilz@hotmail.com


Details of the BJJ are listed above, but if you missed them:- Mon @ 8pm, Upper Movement Hall, Henry Fanshaw School, Green Lane, Dronfield. Not to repeat myself too many times, but it is a top club, and i have tried a few :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest NicolaE

I go to jujistu in the 393 club in Hillsborough. Thats quite good, also do Capoeira in a boxing gym near the devonshire cat, thats really good! its a cross between martial arts, gymnastics and dncing, thats the best way I can describe it!

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