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Are Myths Good Business?

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No doubting it was real but the root causes of the masterminds behind it are very very suspicious :suspect:


I think it was Elvis Presley and Princess Diana masterminding it all. Did you ever notice how Diana's nickname was "Di" which sounds just like die. Very iffy if you ask me.

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The Bigfoot Files programme recently dismissed the legends, with the aid of a top UK scientist and very recent DNA advancements.


As for 'good business'- look at the medieval Glastonbury monks (and others elsewhere with other legends) who insisted that King Arthur was buried there.

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I think it was Elvis Presley and Princess Diana masterminding it all. Did you ever notice how Diana's nickname was "Di" which sounds just like die. Very iffy if you ask me.


And Elvis is an anagram of evils.

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some say ghosts are not real but theres a lot of people seen them. if you dont beleive in ghosts look on youtube theres lots on there.


We will never know until we have passed over. Its a strange thing, because Im sure we have all seen something in our lives that we cannot explain. I wouldnt mock someone who claims to have seen something, because I just dont know if the "Ghost" phenomenon is true or not!

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David Icke has made a decent income from myths so far - although his "24 hour TV station" - ie intermittent internet streaming channel - the "Peoples Voice" - looks like going down the pan anytime soon despite having conned his followers out of summat like half a million quid.


Oh dear, how sad :cool:

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Well, throughout the realms of history, myths, legends, old tales, do people really want them solved?


I mean things like Bigfoot, Mothmen, Loch Ness Monster, Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant, Holy Grail, Stonehenge, Nazca Lines, Paranormal, Aliens, UFOs, Pentagon, Bermuda Triangle, Area 51, 9/11, Crop Circles, Science, Astronomy, Assassinations, Diseases, Archaeology and Religion.


Science, astronomy, archaeology, 9/11?


I get what you mean. You're on about the pseudo nonsense & conspiracy theories that stem from some of the above.


Yes, people do want things solved; that why pseudo nonsense, conspiracy theories and correct answers/solutions exist.


All sorts of unexplained phenomena, that countries earn money from tourism and research when in fact they could just expose the truth and start a new day, it seems that we will never receive the answers to life's unknown as big business multi national elites make more money from lies than they ever will from informing the masses.


It's big business whether it's elites pushing lies or pseudo-"scientists"/conspiracy theorists believing and pushing their own nonsense.


End of the day if people aren't going to think critically, or take some of the claims with a pinch of salt, they're going to buy into it.

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