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How long has Cameron got?

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From listening to what people say and studying what they do. It's understanding how people work, if you don't realise that the Internet is no place for you. So then, why do you dispute what I say?


---------- Post added 04-02-2014 at 07:12 ----------



Only a tenner? That's confidence

Its probably your reference(constantly) to people who you accuse of being thugs and wearing jackboots!

You don't actually come out with calling Tory supporters Nazi's,but you do the next best thing. You do no credit to your Public Sector employers who really ought to be made aware of your posts on a public forum!

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Its probably your reference(constantly) to people who you accuse of being thugs and wearing jackboots!

You don't actually come out with calling Tory supporters Nazi's,but you do the next best thing. You do no credit to your Public Sector employers who really ought to be made aware of your posts on a public forum!


Why's that?

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Both PC and SNP support independence for their respective countries. The chances of them forming a coalition with Labour is zero. It would make their calls for independence redundant.


i didn't say coalition, i said "with the support of" - and it isn't as far fetched as you might think


both are left leaning parties - spiritually and politically more at home with labour than either of the other two main parties


assuming the SNP lose the referendum this autumn they will be looking to gain as much as they can for so called devolution max and it isn't difficult to see a few quid pro quo deals being made with labour - especially without gordon brown involved


whilst ideologically wanting independence for wales, PC accept it is a very long way down the road and labour is the only party PC would support


it all depends on the numbers of course, but i wouldn't dismiss it completely

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i didn't say coalition, i said "with the support of" - and it isn't as far fetched as you might think


both are left leaning parties - spiritually and politically more at home with labour than either of the other two main parties


it all depends on the numbers of course, but i wouldn't dismiss it completely


You said government, which would be a coalition government.


If PC or SNP formed a government with Labour they'd be de facto tearing up their policy of wanting independence. It suits them for the UK government to be weak, incompetent and negligent towards Wales and Scotland. Why would they want to form an administration with Labour? If it benefitted their countries it would give the impression that independence wasn't necessary. If it went badly each party would have undermined their own reputation as representatives of their respective nation. They'd be better off letting a minority government or coalition of others mess things up.

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It will be a straight fight between labour and Tories - clegg (if anyone has a half decent pr team) will point to the student fees fiasco. I wouldn't be that surprised if clegg lost his own seat but I think they'll be down to less than 20 seats - and not enough to be useful.


People drastically over-estimate the student body. I'd say the Lib Dems will be able to hold enough ground that their seats will be in the 40s.

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