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How long has Cameron got?

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The world would disagree with your comments. The tory plans HAVE worked and even Labour have stated they would stick to tory spending if they won the next election. The world bank, the IMF say we are doing well and we are the fastest growing economy in the EU.


You are stating what you think based on guardian headlines, not what you actually know. You are falling into that silly socialist trap of trying to make everyone think what you wish was happening rather than commenting on what is happening.


Labour couldn't find its arse with both hands at the moment and they seem to be a reflection of the Labour support base at large. Sunk and pointless.


No they wouldnt.

I couldnt give a hoot if you are a staunch Tory, which is obvious you are as I dislike everything the Tories stand for. They are an unbelievable bunch of "Pull The Ladder Up Jacks", and they are finished, and the sad fact is that Tory supporters keep banging on about how popular they are.

They are not popular. They couldnt even win the last election.

Their prognosis for the next election is so bad, even Camerons been talking to Farage for direction.


---------- Post added 04-02-2014 at 20:17 ----------


I was just pointing out that you were painting a image that Tory party members sitting in boozer saying that the only reason their voting Tory is because they like Cameron. By any stretch silly.


Also if you don't like watching gays outside a registry office turn the other way. I'm not gay but don't give two hoots that you said I was. Maybe your starting to reveal your true desires.


The fact is your a troll pure and simple, probably have different accounts on all manner of forums and spend your days trying to wind people up over the internet.


You are an arrogant little Tory aren't you?

You may do better voting for The Pope, thats if you have made your mind up whether to go back to church or not.....or are you still in denial with that one?:loopy::loopy:

Only Troll I can smell is you, so sort yourself out you silly child.

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No they wouldnt.

I couldnt give a hoot if you are a staunch Tory, which is obvious you are as I dislike everything the Tories stand for. They are an unbelievable bunch of "Pull The Ladder Up Jacks", and they are finished, and the sad fact is that Tory supporters keep banging on about how popular they are.

They are not popular. They couldnt even win the last election.

Their prognosis for the next election is so bad, even Camerons been talking to Farage for direction.


---------- Post added 04-02-2014 at 20:17 ----------



You are an arrogant little Tory aren't you?

You may do better voting for The Pope, thats if you have made your mind up whether to go back to church or not.....or are you still in denial with that one?:loopy::loopy:

Only Troll I can smell is you, so sort yourself out you silly child.


You've gone onto my profile looked through my posts until you found my very first post that your trying to use against me. Now you're telling me that i need to sort myself out? :loopy: you brother need to get out more.


Also i'm not a Tory. Surprised you don't that after you've stalked my profile as thoroughly as you have.


As for trolling I think we'll let other users judge that shall we?

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You said government, which would be a coalition government.


If PC or SNP formed a government with Labour they'd be de facto tearing up their policy of wanting independence. It suits them for the UK government to be weak, incompetent and negligent towards Wales and Scotland. Why would they want to form an administration with Labour? If it benefitted their countries it would give the impression that independence wasn't necessary. If it went badly each party would have undermined their own reputation as representatives of their respective nation. They'd be better off letting a minority government or coalition of others mess things up.


i don't want to be overly pedantic, but i said "but i still think labour will be the largest single party and will probably be able to form a government with the support of plaid cymru and snp"


other parties supporting a government doesn't necessarily mean they have to be part of the government - for reference (although maybe not the most successful one) see the Lib/Lab pact in the late seventies


it would be far better for a minority party (although snp would probably argue that they are actually a majority party!) to say to, in my example, the labour party - we will support your policies on, for example, tax/spending/education/europe (or whatever) but in exchange for that support on specific policies only, we want the following (insert your demand here) (hopefully i don't need to add here that this is different to a coalition, in which all the parties take collective responsibility for the policies, whereas in my scenario - they are labour policies, but other parties vote for or against as they see fit)


why would they want to form an administration with labour? - they probably wouldn't, but they may be willing to support a labour administration on specific issues in exchange for more favourable policies towards their area of interest


assuming the snp lose the vote in the autumn, it will be clear that, irrespective of what they want, the electorate don't want it and it would enable the snp (and pc in wales) to say to their supporters, by voting for us you enabled us to negotiate far more autonomy than would otherwise have been on offer

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How long has Cameron got? Because he has Savagely and Severely attacked and Oppressed the Majority of this Country just like Thatcher did, NOT LONG.:clap:


wishful thinking again, plus Thatcher was ousted by her own party who went on to govern the UK for a further 7 years after her toppling.

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Thatcher had 12 years of large overall majorities didn't she?



Thatcher - 1979 - 43.9%

Thatcher - 1983 - 42.3%

Thatcher - 1987 - 42.2%

Major - 1992 - 41.9%

Major - 1997 - 30.7%


compare that to Labours time in power



Blair - 1997 - 43.2%

Blair - 2001 - 40.7%

Blair - 2005 - 35.2%

Brown - 2010 - 29.0%


Labour need to win 68 extra seats at the next election to win outright while the Torys need 20 extra.

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compare that to Labours time in power



Blair - 1997 - 43.2%

Blair - 2001 - 40.7%

Blair - 2005 - 35.2%

Brown - 2010 - 29.0%


Labour need to win 68 extra seats at the next election to win outright while the Torys need 20 extra.


If the Tories couldn't win in 2010 then that just showed the nation didn't have much confidence in them even after Gordon Brown's record of incompetence. Next year Labour will be coming back from a low and the Tories will be saddled with having been in government. If you look at your figures you'll see every government since 1979 has lost support at the subsequent election and there's no reason to believe Cameron won't do the same.


The clincher for me will be the economic reputations of the Tories and Labour. Will people be ready to forgive Labour so quickly? Will people give the Tories another chance despite salaries losing their spending power?


---------- Post added 05-02-2014 at 11:11 ----------


wishful thinking again, plus Thatcher was ousted by her own party who went on to govern the UK for a further 7 years after her toppling.


And that was the last time the Tories got a majority - over 20 years ago.

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