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How long has Cameron got?

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pretty record-settingly bad.


The real problem is what will come next. I'm getting ever-so-slighltly apprehensive about what's ultimately in store, tbh. It could go to a VIth Republic...if we stay in charted territory.


Isn't Sarkozy waiting in the wings to be re-elected?

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Isn't Sarkozy waiting in the wings to be re-elected?
Not officially. But possibly. Probably. Though don't write DSK off just yet.


Whoever torpedo'd him with that story when he exited the IMF, was either a political genius lining himself up for multiplied rewards after <whoever other than DSK: Royale or Hollande> term (i.e. Sarkozy) or a sorcerer's apprentice whose attempts have backfired rather spectacularly (i.e. the socialist party and unions).


'End of the day, that scandal is bygones, DSK's got favourables again.


And that's all by-the-by: I'm more concerned about the follow-on policies and associated pushback (as the longer these policies keep being postponed, the more virulent they'll be - and the backlash), than which politican and what party.


Now, Hollande's abysmal approval rating is the least of British/Sheffield Forum posters' interests right now...but if I was going to start a thread about "who's got how long left in power", objectively, like him or loathe him Cameron would be a fair way down the list of 'possibles' for that thread.

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