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How long has Cameron got?

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He's been somewhat protected in the media by the goofs of Osborne, Gove, IDS et al, basically he used them as a shield. I say media, meaning newspapers, because most in the UK are rightwing. Meanwhile, the tories are ousting leaders of regulatory organisations and such by trying to politicise those systems just like I said they would; it's likely they are trying to hide their failures much as in the same way of scrubbing their pre 2010 election promises. I wonder why none of the jackboots on here start a thread about things like that. Perhaps they condone the nasty, antisocial policies coming from Cameron and co. Considering the type of comments they leave on here that seems to be the case.
.........Have you ever listened to yourself?... looking at your previous posts probably not.
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He's been somewhat protected in the media by the goofs of Osborne, Gove, IDS et al, basically he used them as a shield. I say media, meaning newspapers, because most in the UK are rightwing. Meanwhile, the tories are ousting leaders of regulatory organisations and such by trying to politicise those systems just like I said they would; it's likely they are trying to hide their failures much as in the same way of scrubbing their pre 2010 election promises. I wonder why none of the jackboots on here start a thread about things like that. Perhaps they condone the nasty, antisocial policies coming from Cameron and co. Considering the type of comments they leave on here that seems to be the case.


Can you link the threads here you predicted this please.

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I would say he has about another 6 years going by the standard of opposition we have in this county.


Too true.



.........Have you ever listened to yourself?.


It's bad enough that we have to listen to him. :D



I can't quite see Cameron going for 3 terms like Mrs. T. and the war criminal Blair. As forum members may remember, I've often predicted that Labour will win the next GE because, when it comes down to it, voters don't like unpleasant medicine. Even the rather diluted Snake oil that Osborne has been feeding us.


But it seems that Ed, Ed and Eddie can't help but be, well... prats.


So it may be all still to play for as we enter the final stretch.

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A poll of more than 1,000 activists taken by the ConservativeHome website and obtained by the Observer found that 41% favour a pact, while 54% reject the idea. The number in favour has risen by 7% compared with last May, when the same questions were last asked.




With an ever increasing number of Conservatives willing to deal with UKIP in the hope of saving their skins,and the knowledge that Farage will not work with a Conservative leader who is called 'Cameron',how long will it be before the Conservatives become so desperate to save their skins that they get rid of Cameron and elect a leader who Farage likes..........or will Farage stare at his blank piece of policies paper and start to write 'Dear David,sorry........


If he manages to run his term it will be another fifteen months . However , I suspect that the way things are going at the moment - and with any luck - he will go the same way as the " Do-Do " Thatcher .

The night of the long knives within his own party will do just as they did with with Thatcher , in order to salvage their own skins . Unfortunately , the damage has already been done to the unfortunate minions -without any protection from the Labour Party .

As a lifelong member and supporter of the Labour party - now approaching my 70th. year, I am at a point where I just don't know which way to vote .

My principles will not allow me to vote for any of the right of centre of any of the party's and , tongue in cheek , that includes the Labour party and yet , my principles will not allow me to abstain.

As I have already commented I am in my 70th. year . It is therefor not for myself that I have to consider but for the youngsters of today and for the generations to come . looking at what is on offer for them I have to say that - all politicians and their party's have let them down .

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He's more popular than his party where the opposite is true for Clegg and Miliband. That makes him an asset to the Tory's.


You do realise what you've just said, don't you??


That could quite possibly be the funniest thing ive ever seen on SF.

"He's more popular than his party"


I can just see some Tory supporters, sat having a gin and tonic in the local, discussing the next general election........"Oh, im voting for Conservative again this term, although their policies and MP,s are inconceivable, but David is such a nice chap"



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The Tories are fighting for their lives. They have not won an election outright since 1992. Unless something dramatic happens they will not better their 2010 performance. They are being dragged to the right by UKIP when the majority of the electorate tend to vote for parties in the centre. The population has not shifted sufficiently to the right and is unlikely to if the economy continues to improve.


The Tories will do anything and if they do somehow do a deal with UKIP the electorate will not like it - they don't like being taken for granted as Labour found out in 1992.

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The Tories are fighting for their lives. They have not won an election outright since 1992. Unless something dramatic happens they will not better their 2010 performance. They are being dragged to the right by UKIP when the majority of the electorate tend to vote for parties in the centre. The population has not shifted sufficiently to the right and is unlikely to if the economy continues to improve.


The Tories will do anything and if they do somehow do a deal with UKIP the electorate will not like it - they don't like being taken for granted as Labour found out in 1992.


It will be interesting. They seem to have acted in a way to attempt to impress the electorate, by pushing for clearing the deficit in record time. Although this isnt done yet, they have totally ignored the voters hardship during the cuts, in order to make themselves look like the party to vote for. The Tories have done nothing to improve their persona, and will deserve everything they get.

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