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How long has Cameron got?

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You do realise what you've just said, don't you??


That could quite possibly be the funniest thing ive ever seen on SF.

"He's more popular than his party"


I can just see some Tory supporters, sat having a gin and tonic in the local, discussing the next general election........"Oh, im voting for Conservative again this term, although their policies and MP,s are inconceivable, but David is such a nice chap"




Tory supported sat having a G & T and calling their own MP's inconceivable? Think before you blink mate.


---------- Post added 02-02-2014 at 19:02 ----------


By the way the funniest thing I've seen on SF is your reason for objecting to gay marriage then your awful attempts to go back on it.

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It will be interesting. They seem to have acted in a way to attempt to impress the electorate, by pushing for clearing the deficit in record time. Although this isnt done yet, they have totally ignored the voters hardship during the cuts, in order to make themselves look like the party to vote for. The Tories have done nothing to improve their persona, and will deserve everything they get.


The deficit reduction plan has been a disaster. It is way off target, killed off economic growth for years, blew the AAA rating, involved randomly hacking and slashing at expenditure but despite all the things they have cut Osborne still needs to borrow 100bn a year and has stolen from future generations. Osborne took a huge gamble but we are yet to be hit by the consequences of his failure - that comes later.


The LibDems and Labour had plans to half the deficit in one parliament while maintaining moderate growth. They were much more sensible plans.

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The deficit reduction plan has been a disaster. It is way off target, killed off economic growth for years, blew the AAA rating, involved randomly hacking and slashing at expenditure but despite all the things they have cut Osborne still needs to borrow 100bn a year and has stolen from future generations. Osborne took a huge gamble but we are yet to be hit by the consequences of his failure - that comes later.


The LibDems and Labour had plans to half the deficit in one parliament while maintaining moderate growth. They were much more sensible plans.


Do you think that would have worked? What have labour politicians done lately to convince you there plan was fool proof? I'm no fan of osbourne but I don't trust balls either. I very much look forward to the next set of growth and unemployment figures - was last quarter the start of a trend or a blip? If it's the former we're ahead of the curve certainly compared with Europe. If it's the latter (which based on my own experiences I think it will be) I'd like to see his plan b.

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Do you think that would have worked? What have labour politicians done lately to convince you there plan was fool proof? I'm no fan of osbourne but I don't trust balls either. I very much look forward to the next set of growth and unemployment figures - was last quarter the start of a trend or a blip? If it's the former we're ahead of the curve certainly compared with Europe. If it's the latter (which based on my own experiences I think it will be) I'd like to see his plan b.


I think it would have worked. Both LibDems and Labour had an 8-10 year deficit reduction plan. That in itself was ambitious with brutal cuts required. It was never fool proof but it was a lot more realistic. And it's what will end up happening anyway. Osborne's gamble wasn't worth it. The cost in lost output, additional unnecessary borrowing and his accounting tricks will run into hundreds of billions of pounds.

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Tory supported sat having a G & T and calling their own MP's inconceivable? Think before you blink mate.


---------- Post added 02-02-2014 at 19:02 ----------


By the way the funniest thing I've seen on SF is your reason for objecting to gay marriage then your awful attempts to go back on it.


Er......I do believe it was YOU who said "he is more popular than his party"?????

So I did think before I blinked. Unfortunately you didn't, and have successfully made yourself look silly, yet again.

And I couldn't care less if you are a homosexual, as whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is your business. I just don't feel comfortable having to watch it outside the registry office, and that is my business, not yours.

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I'm one of those that would vote for a donkey if it had a red rosette around its neck to me its the policies of the party that I vote for not the person,Cameron is probably a very good leader for the Tories but he is a Tory so I would not vote for him as I do not agree with what he stands for...

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Yes, as a chip fryer or window cleaner.

He is well and truly finished.:hihi::hihi:


seriously what makes you say he is finished?


don't confuse what you want with what will happen as they have turned out for most of your buddies to be totally different things.


The last prediction I remember was that the government would only last 6 months.

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seriously what makes you say he is finished?


don't confuse what you want with what will happen as they have turned out for most of your buddies to be totally different things.


The last prediction I remember was that the government would only last 6 months.


He has put this country into suspension with his unbelievably stupid idea of rushing through the deficit clearance. It hasnt worked, and the only thing he has managed to do was cut, cut and cut to finance it. That is not me making things up without the dreaded SF word "Proof". Its the way it is, and everyone has felt it. There was no need to even attempt this, especially with the downturn happening alongside it.

People have long memories, and whilst Cameron has tried to reduce our debt in record time, people will not see it as that. It is clear as crystal the reason he did it. To get it as low as possible before the next General Election, with the intention of people thinking the Tories have done a good job.

Well he is wrong. The deficit has only been reduced by a fraction of what he claimed, yet people have suffered due to all the cuts made to do it.

Although im not a Labour supporter, even they said it couldnt be done with serious repercussions to public services, and my god, they were bang on the money.

Cameron is finished, make no mistakes.

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seriously what makes you say he is finished?


don't confuse what you want with what will happen as they have turned out for most of your buddies to be totally different things.


The last prediction I remember was that the government would only last 6 months.


Most of his own party can't stand him.


He failed to deliver outright victory in the election.


He has retoxified the Tory brand.


He has failed to tame UKIP.

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