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How long has Cameron got?

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He has put this country into suspension with his unbelievably stupid idea of rushing through the deficit clearance. It hasnt worked, and the only thing he has managed to do was cut, cut and cut to finance it. That is not me making things up without the dreaded SF word "Proof". Its the way it is, and everyone has felt it. There was no need to even attempt this, especially with the downturn happening alongside it.

People have long memories, and whilst Cameron has tried to reduce our debt in record time, people will not see it as that. It is clear as crystal the reason he did it. To get it as low as possible before the next General Election, with the intention of people thinking the Tories have done a good job.

Well he is wrong. The deficit has only been reduced by a fraction of what he claimed, yet people have suffered due to all the cuts made to do it.

Although im not a Labour supporter, even they said it couldnt be done with serious repercussions to public services, and my god, they were bang on the money.

Cameron is finished, make no mistakes.


The world would disagree with your comments. The tory plans HAVE worked and even Labour have stated they would stick to tory spending if they won the next election. The world bank, the IMF say we are doing well and we are the fastest growing economy in the EU.


You are stating what you think based on guardian headlines, not what you actually know. You are falling into that silly socialist trap of trying to make everyone think what you wish was happening rather than commenting on what is happening.


Labour couldn't find its arse with both hands at the moment and they seem to be a reflection of the Labour support base at large. Sunk and pointless.

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Er......I do believe it was YOU who said "he is more popular than his party"?????

So I did think before I blinked. Unfortunately you didn't, and have successfully made yourself look silly, yet again.

And I couldn't care less if you are a homosexual, as whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is your business. I just don't feel comfortable having to watch it outside the registry office, and that is my business, not yours.


I was just pointing out that you were painting a image that Tory party members sitting in boozer saying that the only reason their voting Tory is because they like Cameron. By any stretch silly.


Also if you don't like watching gays outside a registry office turn the other way. I'm not gay but don't give two hoots that you said I was. Maybe your starting to reveal your true desires.


The fact is your a troll pure and simple, probably have different accounts on all manner of forums and spend your days trying to wind people up over the internet.

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I would say he has about another 6 years going by the standard of opposition we have in this county.


The thing is business leaders are supposedly against us leaving the EU, if this is true then Labour is the only option as they have no plans for a referendum.


So have Labour got this in the bag because Cameron panicked and signed the party up to a referendum ???

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The thing is business leaders are supposedly against us leaving the EU, if this is true then Labour is the only option as they have no plans for a referendum.


So have Labour got this in the bag because Cameron panicked and signed the party up to a referendum ???


I think the Lib dems will have something to say about any EU referendum.

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I think the Lib dems will have something to say about any EU referendum.


No one will vote for the Lib Dems I don't think, the Tories if they get in alone or with UKIP will hold a referendum, so unless the Tories and lib Dems get back in bed together it suggests Labour is the only safe bet for anyone wanting to stay in Europe.


Given that even if the Lib Dems did want to form a new coalition with the Tories, the Tories would still have the majority of votes and hold all the cards in forming the Government so I think the Lib Dems would have to cave in on this like they did on tuition fee's.

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No one will vote for the Lib Dems I don't think, the Tories if they get in alone or with UKIP will hold a referendum, so unless the Tories and lib Dems get back in bed together it suggests Labour is the only safe bet for anyone wanting to stay in Europe.


Given that even if the Lib Dems did want to form a new coalition with the Tories, the Tories would still have the majority of votes and hold all the cards in forming the Government so I think the Lib Dems would have to cave in on this like they did on tuition fee's.


LibDems are forever tainted. Their support is at rock bottom. The public hate their leader, his approval rating is -49.


15-20 seats if they are lucky.


---------- Post added 02-02-2014 at 23:30 ----------


The world would disagree with your comments. The tory plans HAVE worked and even Labour have stated they would stick to tory spending if they won the next election. The world bank, the IMF say we are doing well and we are the fastest growing economy in the EU.


You are stating what you think based on guardian headlines, not what you actually know. You are falling into that silly socialist trap of trying to make everyone think what you wish was happening rather than commenting on what is happening.


Labour couldn't find its arse with both hands at the moment and they seem to be a reflection of the Labour support base at large. Sunk and pointless.


The plans haven't worked. The economy hardly grew for 3 years. Osborne predicated his deficit reduction on 3%+ growth. It's why he's still borrowing £100bn quid a year.

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Its impossible to say how long Mr Cameron's got.

As the saying goes "A week is a long time in politics"


Like many other people, I expect at the next election I will be undecided on who to vote for.

Its always a dilemma when you feel the party you favour the most, has elected the wrong leader.


I'm a socialist at heart, but oh dear!

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LibDems are forever tainted. Their support is at rock bottom. The public hate their leader, his approval rating is -49.


15-20 seats if they are lucky.


---------- Post added 02-02-2014 at 23:30 ----------



The plans haven't worked. The economy hardly grew for 3 years. Osborne predicated his deficit reduction on 3%+ growth. It's why he's still borrowing £100bn quid a year.


That's why they try and back up their claims with selective stories from quangos like the ONS and the tory old guurd. Public opinion is all that counts regardless the fact that their policies aren't working.

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The plans haven't worked. The economy hardly grew for 3 years. Osborne predicated his deficit reduction on 3%+ growth. It's why he's still borrowing £100bn quid a year.


That may be true but what was the alternative? Labour wanted to borrow more. The UK would be more like France if Labour was in power compared to were we are now as the fastest growing economy in the EU. London is the 6th largest French city by the population of French people who left France.



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