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How long has Cameron got?

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How long has Cameron got? As long as he likes.


Nick Clegg has broken too many promises to be trusted and Red Ed's little more than a trade union sock puppet who needs Bob Crow to tell him what his policies are.


Unless the other parties change their leaders, Cameron has no real competition.

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So UKIP don't come into the equation in any shape or form then?


Again, please excuse my "thoughts from abroad" I have read up and watched Mr Farage. I for one cannot see UKIP as other than a pressure group. They are not a real political party.


Its ok having one BIG idea (get out of Europe). It is entirely another forming a real government.


I suspect UKIP will do quite well in the European elections, but will not be a major factor in the General election. I suspect that the public will seek to kick the big parties in the Europeans and come back to reality in the General.

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Im afraid it is not that simple, one advantage of not being out of the country and not aligned to either party is that you tend to take a wider view than clearly you are capable of doing.


The chaos Obama and Cameron inherited from the right wing Bush and the left wing Brown meant that the elections they won were not good ones to win.


They were both saddled with further damage limitation before going forward with policies that would put things right. Obamas problem is that he was saddled with an intransigent, dogmatic, senate whose only real policy is to block and undermine Obamas policies.


Cameron has had the advantage of Liberal support but had a worse problem to deal with in that the commitments made under the Labour regime, coupled with the fact that Labour had totally relied on the financial services industries to underwrite their profligacy whilst abandoning manufacturing and any endeavor outside London.


Cameron has done a superb job in driving down government expenditure, re invigorating exports and manufacturing industries albeit to foreign customers themselves under financial duress.


So that is what seems to be the case from across the pond.


Sorry, this is complete fantasy. Government expenditure is still £100bn a year more than it collects. And you are trying to portray the Tories as Friends of the whole country? What a nerve :). And presumably parroting a PR story based on manufacturing PMI figures?

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Watch out, if you say anything positive about the current government you are immediately a tory-boy toff and will be attacked by the left who will quickly move onto personal attacks.


Thanks for that, I have noticed that unless you tow the party line some people can get a little irrational.


For the record, I was born in Attercliffe went to a secondary school and my dad worked at Firth Browns.


I am not a toff.

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That is pretty much how we see it too. Our media seems to make rather more of the crippling of the UK economy between 2007 and 2009 which occurred under the watchful eye of those who complain the rescue is taking longer than planned. I think most of Europe would be please to have an economy performing like the UK.

Certainly our government is expecting to be working with Cameron beyond 2015.


I don't know where you guys get your news.

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Sorry, this is complete fantasy. Government expenditure is still £100bn a year more than it collects. And you are trying to portray the Tories as Friends of the whole country? What a nerve :). And presumably parroting a PR story based on manufacturing PMI figures?


I'm not parroting anything, nor am I going to exchange "facts" with you I am merely stating the view of the British government as seen from abroad.


Cameron/Osborne = Positive, successful, confident.


Milliband/Balls= Negative, losers, incompetents, chancers,


Clegg/Lib Dems = Positive, Self sacrificing, loyal,


Just saying it as it appears.

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I'm not parroting anything, nor am I going to exchange "facts" with you I am merely stating the view of the British government as seen from abroad.


Cameron/Osborne = Positive, successful, confident.


Milliband/Balls= Negative, losers, incompetents, chancers,


Clegg/Lib Dems = Positive, Self sacrificing, loyal,


Just saying it as it appears.



But the people with the view of the British government as seen from abroad are not going to be the ones voting in the next general election......the days when the leader of Her Majesties opposition went to the USA to try to obtain credibility by meeting the leader of the free world,only to have the door slammed in his face,and then the media in the UK shout it from the rooftops are long gone............most people in the UK couldn't give a fig what Americans think about anything,let alone try to validate who rules them.

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I'm not parroting anything, nor am I going to exchange "facts" with you I am merely stating the view of the British government as seen from abroad.


Cameron/Osborne = Positive, successful, confident.


Milliband/Balls= Negative, losers, incompetents, chancers,


Clegg/Lib Dems = Positive, Self sacrificing, loyal,


Just saying it as it appears.


Cameron does seem to perform better than Clegg and Miliband in opinion polls that is true. His domestic approval rating are still pretty low though and you seem to be getting a sugar coated view of Cameron over there.


Can I ask where you get your news?

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