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How long has Cameron got?

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Cameron does seem to perform better than Clegg and Miliband in opinion polls that is true. His domestic approval rating are still pretty low though and you seem to be getting a sugar coated view of Cameron over there.


Can I ask where you get your news?

Clegg and Milliband are still in short trousers at the side of Cameron........you know it and so do the rest of us!..........sure he's snatched your dummies out, but thats the game for the next decade in UK whoever gets hold of power.
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Clegg and Milliband are still in short trousers at the side of Cameron........you know it and so do the rest of us!..........sure he's snatched your dummies out, but thats the game for the next decade in UK whoever gets hold of power.


Cameron is PR man. Nothing more. The electorate had him sussed pretty early on - it's why he couldn't even outright defeat Gordon Brown.


And yes, I do wish we had a better opposition.

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Clegg and Milliband are still in short trousers at the side of Cameron........you know it and so do the rest of us!..........sure he's snatched your dummies out, but thats the game for the next decade in UK whoever gets hold of power.


To say stuff like that is obviously worrying the couple of trolls on here into trying to persuade public opinion into voting tory or at least, or Labour. If Milliband was as bad as people are trying to make out they wouldn't need to do that.

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Cameron is PR man. Nothing more. The electorate had him sussed pretty early on - it's why he couldn't even outright defeat Gordon Brown.


And yes, I do wish we had a better opposition.

Sure the electorate had him sussed early on!...........that's why he's more popular than Clegg or Milliband!


---------- Post added 03-02-2014 at 19:02 ----------


To say stuff like that is obviously worrying the couple of trolls on here into trying to persuade public opinion into voting tory or at least, or Labour. If Milliband was as bad as people are trying to make out they wouldn't need to do that.
........once again words fail me! where do you get it from?
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Haven't read the whole thread but the Conservatives will win the next election with a clear majority in my humble. Milliband is invisible and Clegg has lost any friends he might have had. Another term for Cameron. I'll put a tenner on it.



You're on. In fact, make it a pint as well. :hihi:

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There's three indicators we can use to predict the result of the next election. Who voters think will run the economy the best. And who's the most prime ministerial leader and at the moment who will tackle immigration. Sadly the Tories smoke the opposition on all three counts. If you asked me to put a sell by date on Cameron I'd say that he'll be gone by 2017. He'll probably win in 2015 but won't see the 2020 election.

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