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Gove : Bring Back 'Old Fashioned' Punishments

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You appear to believe that people can't use the internet, the worlds information is at our fingertips and you assume others won't use it.


You made a false claim - an obvious and outright fib. Everyone reading this knows that. I think you're just trying to shift the responsibility for being found out in telling an untruth.

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You appear to believe that people can't use the internet, the worlds information is at our fingertips and you assume others won't use it.


See, I thought that I'd try to engage with you. Just to see whether it was worthwhile.


It isn't. You aren't interested in debate, just constantly shifting debate and winding people up, whilst actually saying nothing worthwhile. Trolling really.


I'm not sure why you do this. Have you thought about getting some sort of help? It isn't normal behaviour.


In any case, it is pointless discussing anything with you, so I'm off. Now, if only everybody else would stop feeding you.

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It takes courage to start beating a child? I think it takes moral degeneracy to start beating a child.


Absolutely agree.


Most of the smacking/slapping/hitting/beating inflicted on children by their parents is done because the parents lack self-control and lashing out is the only strategy they know.


In the cases where the parents 'plan' to discipline the child by beating them when they (the parent) are not angry, it's equally degenerate, morally speaking, and the effect on the child is exactly the same.

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You made a false claim - an obvious and outright fib. Everyone reading this knows that. I think you're just trying to shift the responsibility for being found out in telling an untruth.


I don't care what you think, you simply don't matter, what matters is that anyone wanting to confirm what I have said can simply Google it.

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I don't care what you think, you simply don't matter, what matters is that anyone wanting to confirm what I have said can simply Google it.


That's not how it works on here - ask the moderating team if you don't believe me. You make the assertion and it's your responsibility to evidence it.


Your position is indefensible - you are trying to pass off ill educated opinion as fact. It's lying by any other name. You should provide evidence for your assertion or concede that you just made it up.

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See, I thought that I'd try to engage with you. Just to see whether it was worthwhile.


It isn't. You aren't interested in debate, just constantly shifting debate and winding people up, whilst actually saying nothing worthwhile. Trolling really.


I'm not sure why you do this. Have you thought about getting some sort of help? It isn't normal behaviour.


In any case, it is pointless discussing anything with you, so I'm off. Now, if only everybody else would stop feeding you.


You know and I know that you aren't actually interested in debating the subject, you along with your friends will simply resort to mockery and ridicule if I post the links to support my stance. Any one interested can find the information which supports my stance just by using Google.


---------- Post added 19-03-2014 at 22:26 ----------


Absolutely agree.


Most of the smacking/slapping/hitting/beating inflicted on children by their parents is done because the parents lack self-control and lashing out is the only strategy they know.


In the cases where the parents 'plan' to discipline the child by beating them when they (the parent) are not angry, it's equally degenerate, morally speaking, and the effect on the child is exactly the same.


Clearly you can't know this because you don't know most people, you are just guessing.


---------- Post added 19-03-2014 at 22:28 ----------


That's not how it works on here - ask the moderating team if you don't believe me. You make the assertion and it's your responsibility to evidence it.


Your position is indefensible - you are trying to pass off ill educated opinion as fact. It's lying by any other name. You should provide evidence for your assertion or concede that you just made it up.


I know how it works on here and I know which members are interested in debate and which members are like you.

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You know and I know that you aren't actually interested in debating the subject, you along with your friends will simply resort to mockery and ridicule if I post the links to support my stance.


If there were any real evidence of your absurd and false claim then people would be bound to give it due consideration and respond. You pretending to be scared of being ridiculed is an obvious - and rather pathetically transparent way of trying to avoid the truth.


There is no evidence of what you claim. What you claim is false.

You pretending that there is some but you won't link to it because you're frightened of being ridiculed is another falsehood.


You couldn't link to evidence even if you wanted to - because it doesn't exist.


You seem to have entered the telling a lie to cover another lie phase of things. It's not fooling anyone.


Any one interested can find the information which supports my stance just by using Google.


No they can't - there isn't any. You made it up. It was a false claim.

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When time out is used correctly it can be an invaluable tool in managing children's behaviour and is done in way which means that the child knows exactly why they are in that situation and the steps they need to take to get out of it.


So you would be in favour of using the old Dunces hat then ? Thats a non violent form of punishment , something that should be right up your street.

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So you would be in favour of using the old Dunces hat then ? Thats a non violent form of punishment , something that should be right up your street.


No I wouldn't. Any punishment designed to stigmatise a child and make them feel stupid is obviously a bad idea.

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