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Gove : Bring Back 'Old Fashioned' Punishments

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Whilst agreeing with some of what you say , I would profoundly disagree with you on a lot of your methodology and, on some of your conclusions .

Quite often , the lack of respect is a shortcoming from the home environment as well as at school .

I was aware of the over disaplinarianship of some teachers , which resulted in the alienation of pupils .

Some of the teachers were " overzealous " in their meting out of punishment which , again , alienated their charge .As a consequence they became isolated from their fellow pupils .

Some of the pupils would then see the isolated pupil with a degree of "bravado" , looking up to the isolated individual . Henceforth a creation of group bullying .

Whilst not suggesting for one moment that you are bully , unfortunately , some of the ex-members of the armed forces have attracted this unfortunate label.

Living near three large schools I have mostly seen nothing but well behaved , considerate wonderful young kids . Indeed , I have commented to two parents that their children are a credit to them to be proud of .

I would not wish to generalise on either the youngsters of today , nor on the adults .

For my experience 99.9% are first class individuals .

Yes , you will get the exception, as in all cases .

Look for the good - not the bad - I am sure you will not be disappointed .

Yes they did sort of encourage bulling survival of the fittest as they would call it,they would also encourage comradeship or the buddy buddy system most of our days were spent in exercise and running about we did not have much energy left for mischief to be honest...

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Im all in favour of bringing back the Cane. It should never have been banned in the first place.


---------- Post added 02-02-2014 at 20:00 ----------



Whats wrong with the cane................ never did us any harm. (And yes, I had it once or twice )


---------- Post added 02-02-2014 at 20:02 ----------





I saw somebody get caned because she couldn't write. She couldn't write because it was -5c outside, had just walked three miles to school and her hands were too cold to hold a pencil. This was a 10 year old girl. 1970s.


When her dad found out....................


So would you like to be the teacher with the cane, an adult assaulting children who can't defend themselves?


What would you do when a kid's dad came looking for you?


Would you still be a hard man?

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I saw somebody get caned because she couldn't write. She couldn't write because it was -5c outside, had just walked three miles to school and her hands were too cold to hold a pencil. This was a 10 year old girl. 1970s.


When her dad found out....................


So would you like to be the teacher with the cane, an adult assaulting children who can't defend themselves?


What would you do when a kid's dad came looking for you?


Would you still be a hard man?


He's all mouth and no trousers, likes to pick on soft targets.

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I saw somebody get caned because she couldn't write. She couldn't write because it was -5c outside, had just walked three miles to school and her hands were too cold to hold a pencil. This was a 10 year old girl. 1970s.


When her dad found out....................


So would you like to be the teacher with the cane, an adult assaulting children who can't defend themselves?


What would you do when a kid's dad came looking for you?


Would you still be a hard man?


Its nowt to do with being a "hard man" . Its about having a deterrent , a harsh punishment . Kids run riot in schools nowadays because the teachers cant touch them because of Do Gooders saying we cant punish them anymore. The kids know they cant be touched ,so do what they want. The balance of power has to be returned to teachers , and that should include the use of the cane.

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Its nowt to do with being a "hard man" . Its about having a deterrent , a harsh punishment . Kids run riot in schools nowadays because the teachers cant touch them because of Do Gooders saying we cant punish them anymore. The kids know they cant be touched ,so do what they want. The balance of power has to be returned to teachers , and that should include the use of the cane.


What a load of old tosh. If the only method of discipline you can think of is hitting a child with a stick I thank The Lord you don't teach.

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Its nowt to do with being a "hard man" . Its about having a deterrent , a harsh punishment . Kids run riot in schools nowadays because the teachers cant touch them because of Do Gooders saying we cant punish them anymore. The kids know they cant be touched ,so do what they want. The balance of power has to be returned to teachers , and that should include the use of the cane.


You know not of what you speak. You're a grown man who wants to beat children.

Pass the bucket so I can vomit away the taste of your vile arrogance and thirst for pain.

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Its nowt to do with being a "hard man" . Its about having a deterrent , a harsh punishment . Kids run riot in schools nowadays because the teachers cant touch them because of Do Gooders saying we cant punish them anymore. The kids know they cant be touched ,so do what they want. The balance of power has to be returned to teachers , and that should include the use of the cane.


But it didn't deter

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Its nowt to do with being a "hard man" . Its about having a deterrent , a harsh punishment . Kids run riot in schools nowadays because the teachers cant touch them because of Do Gooders saying we cant punish them anymore. The kids know they cant be touched ,so do what they want. The balance of power has to be returned to teachers , and that should include the use of the cane.


It's not like the good old days is it Desmundo?

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Its nowt to do with being a "hard man" . Its about having a deterrent , a harsh punishment . Kids run riot in schools nowadays because the teachers cant touch them because of Do Gooders saying we cant punish them anymore. The kids know they cant be touched ,so do what they want. The balance of power has to be returned to teachers , and that should include the use of the cane.


It's not a deterrent. It didn't work. Kids still misbehaved, still bunked off, still left school and took the wrong choices, ended up in prison etc...


There does need to be more discipline in schools this is true, but violence is not an option.


It was the Tory government in 1987 that banned corporal punishment BTW. Thought you'd be proud.

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