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Is this is a scam??

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I just came across this site; and strongly suspect it's actually setup by Mad Bid, in order to lure people in. Here's the site:




This links going out to Mad Bid use the rolling URL:




Which they probably have several such sites and use a system to track where traffic is coming in to the main site from, so they can assess the effectiveness of all the satellite sites. Also, the comments section is closed, and the existing comments are probably all fake.


What do you think, is it scam site, created by the owners of Mad Bid?

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Mad Bid isn't a scam, it's just a big gamble.


You can get items very cheap, but just just like the lottery...the odds are massively stacked against you.


If you go into it as a gamble and treat it as such, it's not a scam.


Thanks Super Hans.


I wasn't asking if Mad Bid was a scam (though, I think it is, in the sense that they obfuscate their business model, how they generate income etc). I was asking it the megabargains24 site (the first link in the OP) was a scam, in the sense that it purports to be impartial and unrelated to, but is in fact, owned and maintained by, Mad Bid.


What do you think?

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The banner at the top of the page says


"The page that you are currently reading is an ad feature demonstrating a new gameified way to shop online.".


In other words it's just a site made by MadBid to promote themselves, all links lead to MadBid.

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It cost you 75p to make a bid and when you do bid the auction countdown timer resets. Meanwhile, someone else may outbid you by 1p. If that happens then you've spent 75p with nothing to show for it.


So, do you spend another 75p in the hope of being the winning bidder?


Bit more info: http://www.theguardian.com/money/2012/jan/28/penny-auction-websites


Exactly, it's a game, it's a gamble...it's the same as a myriad of other gambling websites out there.

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