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Would national service make sense again?

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Dear me, your a cheerful chappy aren't you? You did see the bit about funding this from foreign aid funding didn't you?


Our aid budget for 2014 is estimated at £12 Billion. Lot of room for adjustment there I think.


Who said anything about 'cheap' or 'forced'? How about a wage above benefit level with food and accommodation included?


Add in the chance to learn a trade or profession - no reason why an opportunity to plan and supervise projects shouldn't be encouraged in addition to actual labour - all in foreign parts.


As for corrupt countries you are aware of how things are progressing in this country aren't you?


The corruption of officials shouldn't be held against the ordinary people.


An added benefit of my suggestion is that less actual cash would be available to these officials to divert into their Swiss bank accounts. :)


Pie in the sky, Never Never Land.

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Pie in the sky, Never Never Land.


This is a discussion forum, it is most unlikely that anything ever discussed on here will actually ever be implemented, yes?


So maybe none of us should ever bother discussing anything ever again?


One thing is for certain, if everyone possessed your positive attitude and get up and go outlook, bugger all would ever get done. :)

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Maintaining a large peace time army would cost the country (taxpayer) a lot of money and there would be no purpose in it. Large standing armies are obsolete in light of modern warfare technology.


I doubt regular career soldiers would welcome conscripts into their ranks either.


I was among the very last national servicemen. We served our purpose at a time when Britain was handing over it's last colonies but still operated military bases in those parts

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it seems a good idea in theory but what jobs would these people come out to do ? past and present govs have eroded working practices in this country so these people would come out to agency work/zero contract hours/workfare etc.


There wouldn't be compulsion involved in the scheme, if someone had a rational reason for not wanting to become involved it would be accepted.


For instance, if someone had a full time job or was attending university or training college they would be exempt, unless they particularly wished to take part.


Therefore in the main we would be talking about youths who were unemployed, or in dead end jobs where they wanted a chance to improve their future prospects.


The choice would then be between sitting at home on benefits or working on minimum wage in a job with no prospects, or alternatively having a bit of an adventure, learning new skills and maybe improving their future chances.


Should someone choose to sit at home, on benefits and turn down the chance of earning more, whilst doing something interesting maybe we should look at their level of benefit.

Choosing to do nothing when there is a choice and living off other peoples taxes is not acceptable in my view.


Hopefully employers would be eager to give youngsters with experience of employment and a basic skill set a chance.

I was an employer for many years and it would have appealed to me.


Worst case scenario the people involved would have become used to work and if all else failed start their own business or emigrate to improve their lives.


As mentioned we are intending to spend the money required for such a project anyway.

At least this way some of our citizens, and the country may benefit. :)

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Maintaining a large peace time army would cost the country (taxpayer) a lot of money and there would be no purpose in it. Large standing armies are obsolete in light of modern warfare technology.


I doubt regular career soldiers would welcome conscripts into their ranks either.


I was among the very last national servicemen. We served our purpose at a time when Britain was handing over it's last colonies but still operated military bases in those parts

If those suggesting this realised just how much a standing army/navy/airforce cost they'd soon change their minds.

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Maintaining a large peace time army would cost the country (taxpayer) a lot of money and there would be no purpose in it. Large standing armies are obsolete in light of modern warfare technology.


I doubt regular career soldiers would welcome conscripts into their ranks either.


I was among the very last national servicemen. We served our purpose at a time when Britain was handing over it's last colonies but still operated military bases in those parts


Totally agree, a military style operation would be pointless and unwelcome by the military themselves, which is why I went with the 'peace corp' suggestion funded out of the £12 billion Aid budget.


Supply hands on practical aid rather than just monitory aid. Less possibility of 'skimming' happening also if we can reduce the cash and increase the practical.


Not that any of that type of thing happens of course, just being preemptive. :)

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Totally agree, a military style operation would be pointless and unwelcome by the military themselves, which is why I went with the 'peace corp' suggestion funded out of the £12 billion Aid budget.


Supply hands on practical aid rather than just monitory aid. Less possibility of 'skimming' happening also if we can reduce the cash and increase the practical.


Not that any of that type of thing happens of course, just being preemptive. :)


There are enough needy in this country, surely their claims come first. many OAPs will die from cold this winter, many others (not just OAPs) are victims od flooding.

These UK people should have first claim on the £12 Billion.

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It might make some of our so called British immigrants feel more BRITISH if they did their bit for two years.

Id make it compulsary with none of the religiuos bullsh*t,and stick them all in afghanistan,....after all were all BRITISH :hihi:


Good idea, train them how to use weapons and get them familiar with British army methods. :)


---------- Post added 09-02-2014 at 11:25 ----------


There are enough needy in this country, surely their claims come first. many OAPs will die from cold this winter, many others (not just OAPs) are victims od flooding.

These UK people should have first claim on the £12 Billion.


These people are some of those who would be helped by the program. That's what it would be there for, to help at home and abroad.


That £12 billion has been set aside for foreign aid. Do you think they'll change their minds?

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