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Would national service make sense again?

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Too many of today's youth are being short changed by circumstances over which they have no control ,and if this problem isn't addressed it will create major problems in the future.


Then maybe the retirement age should be lowered to around 55 and also made compulsory as any idea that we cant afford it is wrong. Older people tend not to spend much as they already have a home, furnishings etc.


Doing so will free up jobs for the young to take, and as they are the ones most likely to set up home and spend their income it will benefit the economy. The added advantage is that it will also encourage respect and maybe lessen crime figures and costs. There would be other knock-on effects too.

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Then maybe the retirement age should be lowered to around 55 and also made compulsory as any idea that we cant afford it is wrong. Older people tend not to spend much as they already have a home, furnishings etc.
I remember when we were promised that all, the new technology would mean more leisure time retiring age lowering, longer holidays etc etc etc.

I paid into the system all my working life, and early on to those who'd never contributed yet we who paid for 50 years are told we're a burden.

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