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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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A really good film. I would say 9/10 as well.


The film did not skirt over the moral dilemma central to the story, i.e. how can it be justified to kill a brutal tyrant if the result will inevitably be dreadful reprisals and the installation of another tyrant?


The assassins were undoubtedly very brave men, but their actions led to the deaths of around 5,000 Czechs and Slovaks in reprisals. The event did not hasten the end of the war, nor loosen the Nazi regime's grip on the country, so on balance I think that 'Anthropoid' was a tragic mistake.


The action sequences are very well done in the film, especially the shoot out in the church.


I think I'd like to see this. I've seen the bullet holes in the church where the assassins were cornered by the SS, it made it all seem very recent and real. There is a debate going on in the Czech Republic about where the two assassins are buried; they are currently in unmarked graves and many people want them to be properly commemorated which I think is right. The Nazis have to take responsibility for their own actions, they shouldn't be blamed on others.

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I think I'd like to see this. I've seen the bullet holes in the church where the assassins were cornered by the SS, it made it all seem very recent and real. There is a debate going on in the Czech Republic about where the two assassins are buried; they are currently in unmarked graves and many people want them to be properly commemorated which I think is right. The Nazis have to take responsibility for their own actions, they shouldn't be blamed on others.


I wanted to see it but its finished at Showroom this evening.

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I think I'd like to see this. I've seen the bullet holes in the church where the assassins were cornered by the SS, it made it all seem very recent and real. There is a debate going on in the Czech Republic about where the two assassins are buried; they are currently in unmarked graves and many people want them to be properly commemorated which I think is right. The Nazis have to take responsibility for their own actions, they shouldn't be blamed on others.


I think they ought to be commemorated as well, despite my doubts about the wisdom of the operation (the decision to assassinate Heydrich was taken by the Czech government in exile and also by the British government, not by the two assassins, although my understanding is that they volunteered for the operation).


We should also remember the brave Czech and Slovak pilots who (along with the Polish 303 squadron) made a major contribution to the battle of Britain. I remember speaking to a guy in Prague some years who said that these pilots were not given the recognition they deserved (during the communist period, they were virtually ignored and some Czech who fought for the British were, soon after the war, put in jail for being spies etc).

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