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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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Star Trek Beyond - 8.5/10


A big improvement on Star Trek 2.2: The Re-wrath Of Benedict Khanerbatch. Still got a very silly ending but it gets away with it because this one was just more fun with better jokes for Scotty (not surprising since he wrote them) and lots more screen time and quips for McCoy.


Star Trek Beyond has so many plot holes, I don't know why Trekkies weren't boycotting the cinemas in protest.


I'd give it 6.5 / 10.


The special effects were very good, and JJ starts the film off in his unique style (with a big lens flare), but:


(spoilers ahead)




1) How did Uhura and Sulu manage to escape Krall's soldiers not once, but twice? Does Krall have hundreds of thousands of pilots to fly his spaceships (two pilots to a spaceship) but less than ten soldiers on active guard duty at any one time?


2) How did Uhura manage to escape Krall and Manas a third time, only to reappear minutes later to club them over the head with a rock to save one of the starfleet staff?


3) Were only 40 staff from the Enterprise left alive to beam back to the USS Franklin?


4) How did 20th Century rock music cause the near-invincible enemy spaceships to combust? Scramble their electronic systems, yes. But self-destruct?


5) There's no way pretty-boy Captain Kirk would beat Krall (a battle-hardened soldier) in a fistfight.


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Star Trek Beyond has so many plot holes, I don't know why Trekkies weren't boycotting the cinemas in protest.


I'd give it 6.5 / 10.


The special effects were very good, and JJ starts the film off in his unique style (with a big lens flare)


Because Trek has always had plot-holes in it, and the Original Series is a terrible mess of continuity - however, it has a sense of fun to it, which allows us to look beyond the story flaws.


Oh, and JJ didn't direct, so the lens flare is not his doing.

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Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan


I give it a KHAAAAAAAANine out of ten.


Star Trek Beyond - 8.5/10


A big improvement on Star Trek 2.2: The Re-wrath Of Benedict Khanerbatch. Still got a very silly ending but it gets away with it because this one was just more fun with better jokes for Scotty (not surprising since he wrote them) and lots more screen time and quips for McCoy.


Hand on a minute, you said Star Trek Beyond was a big improvement over Into Darkness but you rated Into Darkness higher ? Hmmm . . . I prefer Into Darkness and here's why:


In Beyond, there was absolutely no sense of peril at any time.


A film should make me experience a wide range of emotions, from excitement to fear. I'm sorry but Beyond fails on all counts. As no point did I ever think one of the senior Enterprise crew were in mortal danger. Krall seemed happy to capture the hostages alive, which we'd already worked out near the start of the film, when the Enterprise was getting torn to shreds (and the Enterprise always gets torn to shreds, in every Star Trek film).


Compare this to Into Darkness, where:

(1) I thought Spock was gonna get boiled alive or frozen to death at the start

(2) either the Klingons or

(3) Khan were gonna kill Kirk and Spock when they arrived on Kronos then

(4) Admiral Marcus (Robocop! :o ) turns up in the USS Vengeance to destroy the Enterprise only for

(5) Khan to attempt the same then for

(6) Kirk to die in the Enterprise engine room.


Wow! Now that was a film even non-Trekkies could enjoy :)


I give Star Trek Into Darkness 9 / 10.

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Ghostbusters (2016) - 7/10


Not a patch on the original of course but still quite good in it's own right, mainly due to the excellent Kate McKinnon.


---------- Post added 08-10-2016 at 21:38 ----------


Hand on a minute, you said Star Trek Beyond was a big improvement over Into Darkness but you rated Into Darkness higher ?


I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition...


Call it a rush of blood to the head immediately after seeing it. My view of Into Darkness has changed over time as my initial post-cinema enthusiasm waned with repeat viewing giving me time to think about the lazy script subverting Wrath of Khan rather than offering anything particularly new. The whole bringing back to life amd transporting across the galaxy bits in particular grate on me now, with the Youtube series

pointing out the silliness of it perfectly.


Of your points 1-6, I can only agree with 1. It's a great opening scene.


My view of Beyond will probably change too once I've had a change to watch it again. Right now I still feel it's probably a more satisfying film overall than Into Darkness.

Edited by Funky_Gibbon
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