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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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You'll love this page then Cyclone, where his writing style is torn apart:




A voice spoke, chillingly close. "Do not move."


On his hands and knees, the curator froze, turning his head slowly.


Only fifteen feet away, outside the sealed gate, the mountainous silhouette of his attacker stared through the iron bars. He was broad and tall, with ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair. His irises were pink with dark red pupils.


Just count the infelicities here. A voice doesn't speak —a person speaks; a voice is what a person speaks with. "Chillingly close" would be right in your ear, whereas this voice is fifteen feet away behind the thundering gate.


The curator (do we really need to be told his profession a third time?) cannot slowly turn his head if he has frozen; freezing (as a voluntary human action) means temporarily ceasing all muscular movements.


And crucially, a silhouette does not stare! A silhouette is a shadow. If Saunière can see the man's pale skin, thinning hair, iris color, and red pupils (all at fifteen feet), the man cannot possibly be in silhouette.

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Given that the book is pulp trash if the film is even worse I'm surprised it managed a 3.

I only read the 1st of Dan Browns crimes against literature, and I'd give it 0/10. I only finished it because I was on holiday and had literally nothing else to read. Truly dreadful writing.


I was the same mate EVERYBODY was reading the Da Vinci Code so I gave it a go and its.........................staggeringly awful, tedious nonsense.

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The Departed,seen it loadsa times but one I can watch over again,9/10,would have given 10 if it wasn't for Ray Winstones awfull accent.


If you haven't seen the version they used to re- make this movie, then you need to watch it.


It's called Infernal Affairs. An absolute joy and in my view totally beats The Departed for sheer enjoyment and filmmaking.

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If you haven't seen the version they used to re- make this movie, then you need to watch it.


It's called Infernal Affairs. An absolute joy and in my view totally beats The Departed for sheer enjoyment and filmmaking.


I'd have to disagree, I found Infernal Affairs to be a slog.

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - 5/10 - One of the most anticipated superhero films ever turns out to be an over complicated, grim, CGI relient mess. Whoever keeps sanctioning Zach Snyder to make these films after the flops that were Watchmen and Man of Steel needs a reality check.


so far they have alot of work to catch up with Marvel. i'd give it less than 5 and suicide squad wasn't much better. saw dr strange the other day and went in thinking i wouldn't enjoy it but turned out being very good- 8/10

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The Magnificent Seven, rubbish movie with a politically correct line up, a black gunslinger, a chinese knife thrower, a Mexican and a native American Indian, the only thing missing from this rubbish is wheel chair access to the saloons....3/10.


And a Jewish composer wrote the award winning score lol. By the way, the only political correctness in those days was the Americans fear of Communism. Segregation was still alive and kicking in the deep south in 1960.

Love the wheel chair access comment, by the way. The film was great for kids in those days .

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