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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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I found myself with an serendipitous duvet day on sunday and binge watched Beverly Hills Cop 1, 2 and 3!


I havent seen these films since i was in my teens and i enjoyed every single one of them.. I forgot how funny they are.. The 80's music, the big hair do's, the over the top acting and the unrealistic car chases, gun shooting and over use of the word 'rubber ducker' (errrrr rhymes with.............:o) and Eddie Murphy's laugh.


10/10 - cheese all the way and i loved it :)

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I found myself with an serendipitous duvet day on sunday and binge watched Beverly Hills Cop 1, 2 and 3!


I havent seen these films since i was in my teens and i enjoyed every single one of them.. I forgot how funny they are.. The 80's music, the big hair do's, the over the top acting and the unrealistic car chases, gun shooting and over use of the word 'rubber ducker' (errrrr rhymes with.............:o) and Eddie Murphy's laugh.


10/10 - cheese all the way and i loved it :)


You realise you'll be singing the Wonderworld music for the rest of the year right?

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Check out the WIKI page on Desmond Doss .His heroic deeds are well documented in military records and press articles of the time.


I agree that his deeds are documented but this film especially the first half has a great deal of fiction in it and has been Hollywood-ised to sell. Doss was married before he was sent away so didn't miss the wedding day, he was not dragged out of bed an beaten, his wife was not a Nurse, his father did not intervene as portrayed. He did not prey with soldiers around him before ascending the ridge, he did not lower any Japanese soldiers down. Undoubtedly he was outstandingly brave but the film, as said added a lot of fiction to bulk it out. I'm always wary when a film state its based on real events.


But it was a Gibson film and look how accurate Brave-heart was..

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I think it depends on how much they like fiction..


It's a film, not a documentary.


He did lower soldiers down the escarpment though, and there was at least one Japanese soldier found with a US bandage later.

Edited by Cyclone
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Ex_machina - Absolutely my kind of film. Beautifully shot, unknown actors doing a superb character job, not sure what the real truth is and so on. Lots of questions about AI and it's real meaning afterwards. From an 'art' perspective the ending is about 3 mins too long. Watch it and you'll see what I mean. Grpahics are incredible as well, not your sci-fi fireworks but graphics you don't even notice they are that good. 9/10 (only not 10 for the imperfect ending)

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