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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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the amazing spiderman part 2 - or spiderman 5 - or desperate attempt to wring £££'s out of tired old franchise number whatever. reviews were OK, offspring wanted to go (despite it being a glorious sunny bank holiday!!).


Are all the editors in holliwood dead?


Approaching 3 hours of mind numbingly tedious crap - I'll do no spoilers (do one your self - go and spoil a day by paying to see it) but long pointless dialogue scenes, unnecessary sub plotting and background stories, long cuts of Emma Stone's (admittedly very pretty) face -NO NO NO - we've seen Avengers Assemble, we want goodies and baddies, the goodies kick the asses of the baddies - it doesn't take 3 hours for God's sake - it takes 100 minutes and then we can go for a pint. Jeez!

When they let Spidey and Baddie fight it out, or (even better) when we flew through the skyscrapers of New York with the webbed Wonder, it was great, but that was 30 minutes tops.


£30 down and a beautiful day wasted out of 10.

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the amazing spiderman part 2 - or spiderman 5 - or desperate attempt to wring £££'s out of tired old franchise number whatever. reviews were OK, offspring wanted to go (despite it being a glorious sunny bank holiday!!).


Are all the editors in holliwood dead?


Approaching 3 hours of mind numbingly tedious crap - I'll do no spoilers (do one your self - go and spoil a day by paying to see it) but long pointless dialogue scenes, unnecessary sub plotting and background stories, long cuts of Emma Stone's (admittedly very pretty) face -NO NO NO - we've seen Avengers Assemble, we want goodies and baddies, the goodies kick the asses of the baddies - it doesn't take 3 hours for God's sake - it takes 100 minutes and then we can go for a pint. Jeez!

When they let Spidey and Baddie fight it out, or (even better) when we flew through the skyscrapers of New York with the webbed Wonder, it was great, but that was 30 minutes tops.


£30 down and a beautiful day wasted out of 10.


I wasn't keen on the first one in this 're-booted' series of films and have no real desire to see this one.

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"The Woman In Black", with Daniel Radcliffe. 3/10


Supposed to be a supernatural thriller. I thought it was utter rubbish.


Lots of screaming and loud dramatic music to make us jump. thin on plot, and not the best of acting.


The ending was predictable, and a bit too "Sixth Sense".


---------- Post added 20-04-2014 at 13:26 ----------


I was also puzzled (a la the "Trevor-Jordache's-body under the patio fiasco in Brookside) that the child had supposedly been dead for fifty years, yet, when Radcliffe's character gets him out of the swamp, the body is as fresh as a daisy (well, comparably, for the amount of time he was alleged to have been submerged.)


As Lily savage observed, re Brookside:- " When they dug 'im up, that hand looked so fresh it could have ...!" (the rest of her comment omitted for modesty)

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I was also puzzled (a la the "Trevor-Jordache's-body under the patio fiasco in Brookside) that the child had supposedly been dead for fifty years, yet, when Radcliffe's character gets him out of the swamp, the body is as fresh as a daisy (well, comparably, for the amount of time he was alleged to have been submerged.)


Peat bogs can naturally mummify a body so that it looks much fresher than you would expect for something that's been in the ground for hundreds or thousands of years.


Not saying that's what happened with this because I can't remember the scene but it's a possible explanation.

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