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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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And not forgetting The Collection. If memory serves me right is the follow on to the above. Also, as nikki said... not for the faint hearted. 6/10



I actually watched The Collection last night.


Preferred The Collector but it was ok. I agree with 6/10.

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Right, here is my rating not of the Tory party conference, but of Thor Ragnarok (although there are similarities).


My last review was terminated without notice, no doubt thanks to some right-whinging snowflake who can give abuse but cries like a girl when he's on the receiving end. Yes, they're usually male.


Anyway, Thor Ragnarok, just like the Tory party conference (again, there are similarities), centres around a boorish bunch of privileged born-to-rule toffs who spend the entire film fighting amongst themselves, betraying each other, insulting each other, stabbing one other in the back, and stabbing each other in the front, and are prepared to destroy the entire universe and enslave all its inhabitants, just to fulfil their assumed birthright of ruling the nation.


Fortunately, a coalition made up of an angry green man (not a member of the Green party) along with a clownish buffoon with ennobled heritage and blonde moptop and (no doubt this ticked all the diversity tickboxes) a female who is not only black but also has a Northern accent (and a drinking problem) join forces and save the people, if not the nation.


Once again, this was not a review of the Tory party conference, but of Thor Ragnarok (there are similarities).


Can any right-whinging snowflakes reading this please stop crying and go and volunteer at your nearest foodbank


Thor Ragnarok is by far the best of the three Thor films, most likely because this time there's no love interest to get in the way of the action.


I give this film 8 out of 10. Unlike the real Tory party conference, Thor Ragnarok has a cast of big movie stars, contains lots of action and humour, and lasted a little over 2 hours (this is where the similarities end).

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An Inconvenient Sequel - 8/10


A follow up to An Inconvenient Truth (2006), although not as good as the first, still quite interesting & worth a look. The climate is still out there and it ain't getting better.

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Last Samurai,don't normally like Cruise but good in this.8/10


---------- Post added 09-02-2018 at 22:39 ----------


Reservoir Dogs - 8/10 - QT's first film is a lean, mean crime caper, quite brutal but still a great film even after repeated viewings, a landmark debut.


R u Mr Pink Tops?

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