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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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10 hours ago, hauxwell said:

The Italian Job


It’s the one with Michael Cain in it. I’ve watched the end of this film a few times but I’ve never really watched the film all the way through.  Although I knew how the film was going to end I enjoyed it.  It would be nice to know how they resolved their problem at the end of the film.  I don’t like  cliffhangers.



That literally was a cliffhanger.

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Master - 6.5/10


2016 Korean action-crime film  starring Lee Byung-hun about a financial crimes police unit trying to take down a charismatic corporate con man who has stolen billions from his victims.


A bit hard to follow at the beginning but entertaining enough.

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21 Bridges. "It's an hour and a half! That's better than these 2 and half hour arse-numbers". Or so I thought. Turns out not all the time. The late Chadwick Boseman had most of the screen time (and was good, but with hindsight he did look tired) - but the next most screen time was drone shots of NYC.  After that it was stephan james - not seen him before and he was ok.  JK simmons was good, but his lack of screen time didnt really develope his character so his, and sienna miller were reduced to generic NY cops. The under rated Taylor Kitch - whose character was fairly pivotal was reduced to mere minutes. The ending you saw coming 20 minutes in. 


A bit of waste and it turns out sometimes films are better if they're longer. Still ok, but a missed opportunity.

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Jolt (an Amazon original movie) - 6/10


Kate Beckinsale plays an ex-bouncer (!) who was born with a brain abnormality that means that she becomes insanely violent towards anything and anyone who annoys her but wears a device that gives her electric shocks to help her control the urges. After something happens that annoys her she goes on rampage against the people that annoyed her.


Silly film, silly premise but it actually had me howling with laughter (in a good way) on several occasions.

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Criminal - 6.5/10


Star-studded thriller about a brain-damaged criminal who has the memories of a dead spy implanted into his head by the CIA in the desperate hope that he'll be able to tell them the location of a hacker who was taken control over all US military systems before an anarchist terrorist group can find him and make him start an nuclear armageddon.


Apparently this film got absolutely panned by the critics but it was entertaining enough in a cheap Bourne clone sort of way.

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Boss Level.


Hard hitting SF (science fiction not Sheffield Forum) never ending reworking of Ground hog day,

but with added violence.

The challenge of getting back to a point in time where the main character can save his wife (& the end of the world)

is frustrated by the cast of assassins determined to stop him & they do - every day.

Fast moving, lots of Rat a Tat Tat of machine guns, swordsmanship and even an element of Comedy

makes this more than worth watching Till -- can't tell yer -- that would spoil things.


Excellent cast and should be 10/10 but i'm taking a massive 4 points off.

You'll have to watch it till the end to find out why.

Be prepared to be Disappointed 6/10 


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One night only. This, at Cineworld, yesterday. For the most part it's a great overview of their career. Because it's so thorough, it's also arse-numbingly long. I could have used an old-fashioned intermission for a stretch and a wee. Not many people in. I counted 23.

Sparks have released many (in my opinion) forgettable albums, yet a non-event like the 'Balls' received just as much screen time as 'Propaganda'. Seems somehow wrong but that's the way the brothers wanted the director to go.
Loads of footage I'd never seen before. I'll be getting the dvd when it comes out. I guess that's where they'll make their money.  
Apart from the mega-successful 'English' years, my favourite part of the documentary was the work they did with Giorgio Moroder. I never knew it was a happy accident.
Rating: 8 out of 10. Marks lost for length and non-inclusion of so many important talking heads.
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