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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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Multi Binge yesterday.


Jungle Cruise.



The Colour Room.


The Colour Room was undoubtedly the better of the three, but more of that later. 


Jungle Cruise (Disney). Unashamed Re make of the 'African Queen' with more than a touch of 'Indiana Jones' etc, etc, thrown in.

I'm never sure about Dwayne Johnson and for me his acting is as wooden as the boat in the film (wait till you see the state of it).

Emily Blunt will never be Mary Poppins but is sure an improvement on Katharine Hepburn (?) (I can feel the 🔪🔪's already).

Nice to see Benny Hill playing the part of the German Submarine Kaptain (:huh:).

There is a twist to the African Queen story line & at first you think Na! that'll not work, but it does, so bear with it.

Worth watching ? - Yes.

Probably goes on a little too long, but its worth it for the action scenes and scenery.  6.5/10.

(For me, action scenes have have that -  'F*** me, that's going to smart in the morning', feeling :bigsmile: this doesn't :sad:).

(& marked it down for that reason).



Reincarnation mumbo jumbo, full of action right from the start.

lots of Rat a tat tat of machine guns, clashing's of swords & Sci-fi action for those of you who like that sort of thing. 

Poor remake of 'Highlander' for my way of thinking.

Pick it to pieces (Especially the Aeroplane scene) or enjoy! 

Worth a 7/ 10 (ish).


the Colour Room.

Behind the scenes look at Clarice Cliff's struggle for recognition, in the not only male dominated, but small minded world of 1920's British pottery.

The film portrays some of the obstacles put in her way, but there is a lot of,  having to read behind the lines needed to understand what Clarice must have gone through to achieve recognition.

(It certainly wasn't handed to her on a plate) (Can't believe I've just done that :roll: :blush::blush:).

Somehow the film doesn't quite capture it and although it really does try, It fails on how repressive, dank and soot filed the whole pottery's must have been.

So, if you don't want the , Rat a Tat Tat of Machine guns, or the reworking of an old film well past its sell by date, try expanding your knowledge of one of our very own innovators - Clarice Cliff.


Probably not (every body's cup of tea :blush:) for everyone, but.

Well worth watching & for me and HTSBO an enjoyable 8/10.


Keep safe & binge responsibly 8) 





Edited by Rockers rule
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On 13/11/2021 at 14:25, Funky_Gibbon said:

This is a film I've been looking forward to for a while but sadly haven't been able to find the time to see at the cinema. It's coming out on VOD next Friday though so I'll catch it then.

Been again this lunchtime. This time with m'wife. She was suitably freaked. Job done.

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2 hours ago, croat77 said:

No time to die 10/10,


absolutely loved the movie despite the sad ending

Wow, I thought Skyfall was great, but No Time To Die was even better.


As others have said, it doesn't feel like a near-3 hour film because it moves so quick.


It's part James Bond, part Jason Bourne and part John Wick.


No Time To Die  was undoubtedly Craig's best Bond film yet . . . which I know isn't saying much, because apart from Skyfall, the others were naff, but if you're able to go see it, then you should.




Only downside is, the missile detonations at the end should have been much bigger and much more spectacular.  I've heard louder fireworks at Page Hall


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The Pebble and the boy.


Not exactly a follow on to Quadrophenia, but a fair shot at it.

Certainly better than the woeful superposed follow on  'To be some one'.

Lots of references to the original film but doesn't take itself as serious.

Brief synopsis.

Boy looses Dad,

Boy takes Dad's ashes down to Brighton on Dad's mirror bedecked Lambretta.

Meets a Floosie on the way,  

Comic, near enough a 'road trip' movie.

Don't expect too much from it, but worth watching.   6.7/10 

If you like the smell of two stroke in the morning this is the film for you😱.  


 Keep safe 8).


Can yer still buy Lambretta's for £20 ? :blush:

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