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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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Jayden smith would not have been in that film but for his dad.

It was one of the most boring films ive seen except there were even worse films last year.


I Robot is a gret sci fi film though, probably because it has an actual script and a very good one at that.


Funnily enough after earth was rather sprung on me this weekend. The film itself wasn't totally without merit and will smith wasn't bad but it was overly schmaltzy , felt over long and his lad was sadly really awful. As you rightly point he wouldn't have got the gig without his dad and considering there are some excellent young actors about, it was a real waste. 4.5/10

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A New York Winters Tale.....6/10. Gave it as high as 6 because I liked the horsey. A lame chick flick but it still managed to bring a tear to my eye! Russell Crowe was a not so menacing evil thing (I couldn't work out who or what he was meant to be :huh: & he was sporting one of his appalling attempts at an Irish accent). Colin Farrell plays a likeable hero. Will Smith totally miscast as Lucifer. Funny, but I cared more about what happened to the nice horsey than anyone in the film!

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The Book Thief.


We really enjoyed the book and can't quite fathom why it is being talked of as a kid's book. It was a harrowing and sometimes difficult read and everybody dies.


Fast forward a few years and the film version is directed by someone who directs Downton Abbey so that doesn't bode well. Most reviews have been fairly dismissive of the film as well and I went not expecting much and dreading a schmaltzy, syrupy tale of good v evil with a happy ending.


It was actually quite good. Emily Watson played it mostly straight as bad tempered step mum and Geoffrey Rush hammed it up. The children were good.


its a 12A so I don't know why some reviewers thought there should be gassings and garottings. The bit that really was unrealistic was when bomb victims were being laid out with barely a scratch on them. It's not as good as the book, films seldom are, but we enjoyed it, shed a few tears and everybody dies.


(That isn't a spoiler by the way, everybody dies)


7/10 probably.

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