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Has anyone managed to cut out refined sugar from their diet?

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I'm asking this because I've given up smoking (again) and since that time my habit of eating chocolate peanuts has shot through the roof. A family bag a day for the last month or so.

I was talking to a work colleague today and she was asking how I was going on without the smokes, and I'd said that whilst I was off them my mood had dipped and I'd wondered if that was down to coming off the fags. She said it's possible, but more probable that I'd replaced the smokes with sugary snacks which are notorious for causing energy spikes.

I should add that when I say my mood has dipped, I don't mean depressed. But I just wondered if anyone has managed to cut refined sugar out of their diet.

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Yes, I have (by and large). But I didn't eat that much refined sugar to begin with and I don't buy many processed foods.


The way to do it is to keep your blood sugar stable by eating some protein (about 20-25g) at each meal including breakfast, and lots of complex carbohydrates such as vegetables and most fruits, preferably crunchy ones. Instead of sugary snacks, eat carrot sticks, apples, pears, celery, chunks of raw red peppers, raw green beans. Eat a handful of those/an apple or equivalent every two hours in between meals.


It sounds like hard work, but it isn't, and within a day or two it will have eliminated sugar cravings and made you feel consistently more energetic.


The alternative is to try to wean yourself off sugar bit by bit, but it is very easy to relapse.

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Tesco's whole foods, now have different types of healthy snacks such as dried nuts and cranberries, but only sweetened with natural pineapple juice.

If you like nuts Go for the unsalted variety.

Try natural yogurts with fresh fruit and nuts with maybe, a little honey and mixed sunflower seeds.

Try a new variety of dried fruit in Tesco's called 'Urban Fruit', dried fruit, with no sugar or sulphates or oils.

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I agree with all the above, except that if you want to lose weight (as opposed to just stop smoking) you would be advised to cut down on dried fruit and fruit juice. These are highly glycaemic (containing high levels of naturally occurring sugar); nuts, also are high in fat and hence very high in calories. The snacks I suggested, (along with the protein at mealtimes), release glucose slowly through the day to keep your energy levels up, without inducing sugar spikes/troughs and consequent cravings.


If the weight is not an issue, then those snacks are undeniably more fun than raw veg!

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I agree with all the above, except that if you want to lose weight (as opposed to just stop smoking) you would be advised to cut down on dried fruit and fruit juice. These are highly glycaemic (containing high levels of naturally occurring sugar); nuts, also are high in fat and hence very high in calories. The snacks I suggested, (along with the protein at mealtimes), release glucose slowly through the day to keep your energy levels up, without inducing sugar spikes/troughs and consequent cravings.


If the weight is not an issue, then those snacks are undeniably more fun than raw veg!


This is important.

When I stopped the sugars I adopted fruit juice as part of my breakfast.

If you look on the side of a Tropicana carton it shows you get around 5 teaspoons of sugar in a glass.

So I soon ditched that.

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Make your own fresh popcorn with no added salt or sugar.

Do the right thing and buy a popcorn maker, the saucepan method always results in a burnt pan and the smell of burning throughout the house.


The microwavable variety always worked for me but again, popcorn is quite calorific (if you eat enough of it to feel satisfied, at any rate).


---------- Post added 04-02-2014 at 11:43 ----------


My mate when he quite smoking bought massive bags of carrots and used to just sit there eating them. just mind you dont eat too much and turn orange.


True. But any raw crunchy veg or fruit is fine (cauli, green beans, apples, etc).

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