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Has anyone managed to cut out refined sugar from their diet?

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Two pages in and no mention of smoothies??? After falling asleep after a few jars I woke up an informercial about the magibullet. Long story short, it's a compact high speed blender which doesn't break down stuff as much as it says and while it's better than a 30 quid blender there wasn't 70 quids worth so it went back. But it did have some useful recipes that were pretty healthy and gave me some ideas of things I could use that I'd never have thought of - and still having something sweet. I'm on one a day or every other day. That combined with unsweetened porrige and the weight is coming off slowly. More exercise needed if I honest.

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You do realise that what you are saying is that, as an already grown adult, you have your body built, and have eaten a certain diet for a long time and therefore have increased body weight. To counter this long term effect, you started on a fruitarian diet, which possibly introduced more fruits and vitamins into your body which could have been lacking before, and it is working against what you already have in your own body in terms of fat. So the overall effect is much more dramatic, and it "seems" to be much more effective.


To me, I always see the body as needing everything. It is never a case of "either" "or". But if your body already has a high percentage of something, does it really need more in order to regain that balance and harmony in your body ? My assumption is a "no".


To me, I also see fruitarian diet as one of these "fad diets" too. The effect is quick, and fast, and then you need to then rebalance and reintroduce a more balanced lifestyle and eating habit to move forward on.


Did you know that there is a "fruit acid" diet and pills which also did the same effect as if you just ate fruit ? I have seen this being advertised a lot in recent year or so.


Raspberry Ketone.



The fruitarian lifestyle I'm talking about isn't a weight-loss/fad diet: it's desinged to maximise health (which clearly will also lead to a loss of any excessive and harmful bodyfat).


And we now have long-term fruitarians who've been eating that way for years, and, in some cases, decades.


And, as I've said multiple times- if, in the future, I start getting ill, or feelling less than very healthy, it's an easy matter to stop eating loads of fruit.


This is a no-brainer dude- veganism, vegetarian, primal etc, etc, I've done them all- nothing has come close to what I'm experiencing (in terms of excess weight loss and health) right now- IMO, it's well worth a punt.

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Two pages in and no mention of smoothies??? After falling asleep after a few jars I woke up an informercial about the magibullet. Long story short, it's a compact high speed blender which doesn't break down stuff as much as it says and while it's better than a 30 quid blender there wasn't 70 quids worth so it went back. But it did have some useful recipes that were pretty healthy and gave me some ideas of things I could use that I'd never have thought of - and still having something sweet. I'm on one a day or every other day. That combined with unsweetened porrige and the weight is coming off slowly. More exercise needed if I honest.


Yes smoothies are good, I sometimes have them for breakfast as my appetite isn't great in a morning.

Someone a work mentioned snacking on seasame snacks, a bit like crisps but without the salt and fat

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Yes smoothies are good, I sometimes have them for breakfast as my appetite isn't great in a morning.

Someone a work mentioned snacking on seasame snacks, a bit like crisps but without the salt and fat


Not knocking seasame seeds, but, like wiki says-


"Sesame has one of the highest oil contents of any seed"




all nuts and seeds are high in fats/oils.


Not knocking them, I like 3/4 walnuts on my breakfast cereal, just want everyone to be aware that they are high in fat.


Big problem is, when some company makes bars or other processed foods from nuts and seeds and try to pass it off as healthy- they're invariably calorie-dense and have have fat content.

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So how did we all stay so slim back in the 1980s?


OK, yes at school there was always one fat kid. Do you remember roland from Grange Hill - he was overweight, yet by todays standards would be slim. Anyway, while Roland was fat the rest of the kids were slim.


In this case you could say yes its down to bad genetics, so how can you explain how the majority of kids are overweight in 2014? In the 1980s kids didn't have diet experts and never ending diets.


In my opinion its this


* Kids used to climb trees

* Kids used to walk to school

* there wasn't health and safety so anyone who had an accident was clearly a prat (now its compo time)

* Snow days, in 2014 kids get sent home, in the 1980s it was skid patches, building snowmen and throwing snowballs at passing cars.


SO whats changed in the last 20 years or so?


* Kids get driven to school

* Kids spend lots of time on the Xbox


What about adults, they are getting like porkers lets be right and lets be right theres lots of diets and nutrition and lots of gyms, so whats changed?


* Dad used to be under his car replacing parts, repairing the brakes and generally fiddling with himself under the car finding jobs to do

* Mum used to do tasks such as the housework, now mum expects to have a career, and what does that entail? yes sitting down at a computer.


So its not rocket science is it, its too much sitting down and not enough activity

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What about adults, they are getting like porkers lets be right and lets be right theres lots of diets and nutrition and lots of gyms, so whats changed?


* Dad used to be under his car replacing parts, repairing the brakes and generally fiddling with himself under the car finding jobs to do

* Mum used to do tasks such as the housework, now mum expects to have a career, and what does that entail? yes sitting down at a computer.


So its not rocket science is it, its too much sitting down and not enough activity


-Plus the portion size.

-Plus the hidden manufactured food removed from nutritional values and not cooked from fresh.

-Plus the excess going out, drinking, eating buffets, eating take outs.

-Plus we work more and depletes our routine as a person, and we grab eat to compensate. We guilt eat in this modern age.

-We live a more stressful lifestyle now, and salaries and jobs are not stable, and this affect a typical household in their buying pattern too. Any extra times a family has is spent on relaxing cos a typical family in this day and age do more. Not less.

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They say poor diet is down to poverty and that fast food and takeaways are meals eaten by the poor.


Yet when I was made redundant from my last job and had no cash, the first thing that I could no longer have was fast food, takeaways or junk food. Burger King? I still can't afford one of their burgers I'm too poor.


So what was the solution? fresh food. Carrots 9p each? you can soon bulk up a meat meal with a few carrots


So don't tell me about fast food.


People often asked me "how do you remain so slim" and I tell them I am carefull with what I eat, they then ask "How do you control how much goes into your mouth?" and I say "I have a technique"


People then ask "whats the technique" and I say "I put the fork down and walk away from the table"


---------- Post added 04-02-2014 at 21:29 ----------


-Plus the portion size.

-Plus the hidden manufactured food removed from nutritional values and not cooked from fresh.

-Plus the excess going out, drinking, eating buffets, eating take outs.

-Plus we work more and depletes our routine as a person, and we grab eat to compensate. We guilt eat in this modern age.

-We live a more stressful lifestyle now, and salaries and jobs are not stable, and this affect a typical household in their buying pattern too. Any extra times a family has is spent on relaxing cos a typical family in this day and age do more. Not less.




Guilt eat? how can you feel guilty for eating?


Yes, if you accidently ate your cat then yes you'd feel a little guilty as his little sad eyes look at you saying "please don't eat me"

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Guilt eat? how can you feel guilty for eating?


Yes, if you accidently ate your cat then yes you'd feel a little guilty as his little sad eyes look at you saying "please don't eat me"

Guilt eating is like "I have worked so hard in the office today, I am going to get a mega BIG take out and stay in with my missus."


Or a "I have spend too much time lately in the office. I just want a big holiday where they have a great buffet. I need to unwind."


When we work too much and push ourselves to the burnt out stage, we normally try to make a compensation promise to ourselves, or to our families. That is whereby if you do this often, it becomes a habit in itself.


If you do not do the above, then maybe you are more mindful than most people. A lot of people are not as mindful you know, and is thrown around by life's ups and downs. With this kind of stress, obviously, either an eating addiction, or a kind of behavioural pattern sinks in. Until one day you stop yourself and actually be very strict and turn things around.


I know I myself have certainly been in that position before too. Even my bosses will do this. If we stayed and worked late, he will compensate us for our time and order take outs. It is not great, but you do this in hope of getting a reward of promotion or other and so forth. Carrot and sticks.

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